Request: Add Page Numbers and More Context to Smart Search Results

Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm not sure why we always have to beg Logos to add obvious functionality or to have a consistent interface, but here we go.

Please add the page number for Smart Search results. Some of us don't have our entire library downloaded to our machine, so when we find a search result for a cloud resource, we need to know what page it's on so we can easily go to it in the cloud.

However, I may not always have to go the result in the cloud if you gave me a little more context around each search result. Here's my current example:

What is the referent of the word "It"? What was located at Syene? Summarizing the article in the Smart Search window doesn't answer that question (see below).

Why is there so little context given for the smart search results in the first place? I feel like this was feedback given during initial testing of smart search even going way back to when smart search was only available in the Beta Web App (I specifically gave this feedback myself and Mark responded so it's not like it wasn't seen). I would like a larger amount of context around the result so that the actual result itself makes sense. Simply providing a summary of the whole article doesn't solve this need. If I knew the referent the pronoun above I wouldn't need to open the cloud resource at all.

And I ALWAYS want and need my search results to include page numbers so that I can easily navigate to them in cloud resources. All future additions/enhancements to search should include this functionality without us having to ask. Logos should have standard interface consistency principles that it adheres to whenever it builds a new feature.



  • Kiyah
    Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

    Here's another example, this time with Print resources (I original searched 'Your Books' and noticed I had several hits in the Urban Apologetics book, so I focused in on that one):

    I own this resource in Kindle (which has terrible search functionality). The benefit of the Print Library feature is that it you can leverage the power of Logos search for resources you own outside of Logos. But it's only helpful if you can easily go directly to your result in your outside resource. I would like to know at a glance where all these results are in my kindle book so I can efficiently go through the book in order and read them all. I don't want to have to search again for these results in Kindle (which would defeat the purpose of using the Print Library feature).

    It would also be nice if Smart Search was sortable (reading order, etc.). But we need page numbers ASAP!

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,013

    Kiyah said:

    What is the referent of the word "It"? What was located at Syene?

    The immediately preceding sentence states that it is "...a Jewish military colony that was at first under Pharaonic, then under Persian, later under Ptolomaic, and finally under Roman jurisdiction". The paragraph  is 6 pages away from the article heading and one has to question its relevance. The Summary is reasonable. However, I have gotten similarly dismal results from a single word - dispensationalism.

    I get superior results when the query is rephrased as the Ethiopian Eunuch and Judaism  (your result appears mid-pack instead of #1).


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Kiyah
    Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

    Kiyah said:

    What is the referent of the word "It"? What was located at Syene?

    The immediately preceding sentence states that it is "...a Jewish military colony that was at first under Pharaonic, then under Persian, later under Ptolomaic, and finally under Roman jurisdiction". The paragraph  is 6 pages away from the article heading and one has to question its relevance. The Summary is reasonable. However, I have gotten similarly dismal results from a single word - dispensationalism.

    I get superior results when the query is rephrased as the Ethiopian Eunuch and Judaism  (your result appears mid-pack instead of #1).

    Thanks Dave. I was able to find it before you posted this, maybe I should have waited awhile a saved myself the headache of finding it on my own lol. 

    This resource is actually a great result for the question I'm asking and I have decided to include the commentary series in my downloaded resources. The Smart Search helped me identify it, which is good, now just help me find my search result quicker.

    I noticed that page numbers are present in the Beta Web App. Hopefully they'll find their way to the desktop pretty soon. I just wish Logos would release features with this basic functionality finished so that we don't have to endure the pain of inconsistency in functionality within the same tool.