Copy a bible verse on my iPad

Daniel Rieger
Daniel Rieger Member Posts: 151 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi Logos community,

Again a question from an iPad-only user. 

When I read a Bible in Logos on my iPad, I can either copy a verse directly or share it and then copy it. Both options give different results, when I paste them into a text editor:

Galater 3,12 (ELB 2006): 12 Das Gesetz aber ist nicht aus Glauben, sondern: »Wer diese Dinge getan hat, wird durch sie leben.« 

Share and copy: 
"Das Gesetz aber ist nicht aus Glauben, sondern: »Wer diese Dinge getan hat, wird durch sie leben.«";rvdrtlbrfld2006

First question: why are both options different?

Second question: can I modify the style of copy? For example I want to have the Bible book and verse number at the end. 

Thank you and God bless you,




  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    First question: why are both options different?

    Well, the "share" is different because it assumes you want to share (i.e. social media) a link to a source. 

    Second question: can I modify the style of copy? For example I want to have the Bible book and verse number at the end. 

    No. There are greater controls on desktop, but I don't know what is possible there in relationship to what you want to accomplish. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Daniel Rieger
    Daniel Rieger Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Thank you JT. 

    Is there any experience from users how to copy a bible verse to a text editor, i.e. Notion on the iPad? 

    My experience is: this is not straightforward and it costs a lot of time to manually adjust the copied verse. 

    How do you deal with it on the iPad?

    Thank you!

  • IowaUSA
    IowaUSA Member Posts: 7

    Hey Daniel,

      1) I am not sure this is the answer you want to hear but my first thought is update the ipad or update logos or check that your stuck at the version your on.

      My example is for me.  My old ipad is air 1 so no longer updatable and stuck at ios12.5.7 so also I can not update logos on it either.  So I can still use logos imessage stickers and I just imessage to my newer iphone and then forward to what I want at that point, generally an imessage but some times an email.  Now on my newer iphone the logos imessage stickers were removed as a feature.  

    I am trying to reproduce your question:

    I open the app and pick a verse to select and chose copy then I open my imessages and paste it in.  The result is just the text with Bible verse.

    However, if I chose to just share and then pick the imessesges (don't chose the below copy agian, look at the line above and select imessages) after sending it looks so much prettier with the text and the link.  You should have the option to email if you have that set up as well.  Am I not understanding your question?  

    Your third option that you mentioned was a different text editor.  I assume you mean apples notes.  In pasting into notes it is the Bible Book Verse and the text but no pretty photo or link.  My question is why are you using Notes or another text editor when logos has a area for you to copy into?  Am I not understanding your question?

    I make some assumtions that you have your apple id, email and imessages accounts set up.  If you don't then look up how to do so with your cellular provider or on apples website.

    I think you might want to look at apple ipad manual for your ios.  I think you might also need to look at the logos manual for your version.  Both manuals will help you understand how to use them more affectively.  

    2) "Second question: can I modify the style of copy? For example I want to have the Bible book and verse number at the end. "  

    Sorry I forgot to answer this question.  Yes, I did so in Notes with out problem.  Again I assume you know how to copy and paste.  So in logos you copy the text and then open up Notes then paste the text.  The Book & verse are at the top so now copy just that part of the text and cut it.  Now scroll to the bottom of your text and paste so now it is at the buttom like you want.  Now that you have it the way you want you can chose send a copy and you can imessage or email etc.  

    As for font style that is in settings for display but again I assume you know how to do this and if not please read the apple manual on thier website.  

    If you want more then this basic option then the desktop version maybe what you are wanting.  I use my ipad and iphone for quickness and my cellular data.  Now in desktop I can copy and paste in to note pad on windows or open office and make it up the way I need for a study or lesson or my family use to use our family bussiness printer to print up 10 bulitins for our small rural church each week.  Now that we are all retired I think a youngin that works in town prints them at a shop and brings them in on Sunday.  Again if your on a newer device with a newer printer you can just air print.  I had to do that at the library for work a few years ago.  So please get more familur with your device on apples website and read the manual.  As different os versions can or can not do different things.  

    God's blessings in your studies.

  • Daniel Rieger
    Daniel Rieger Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Thank you for the comprehensive answer. I guess I am looking for more control when I copy or share a verse from the iPad, i.e. having the Bible book and verse at the beginning or the end and in which style… 

    But it seems that I am not able to do this on the iPad…

    Thank you, Daniel

  • Jeff Germo
    Jeff Germo Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I’ve been having similar problems. Up until about a month ago when I copied and pasted from Logos to Keynote it would be formatted like this:

    Matthew 11:25–30 (NIV)

    28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    Now it formats like this:

    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Mt 11:28–30.

     Is there a way I can change it back to format how it originally was?

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,076

     Is there a way I can change it back to format how it originally was?

    In settings on the mobile app you will see an entry for Citation settings.

    Tap this and toggle off Copy citations

  • Randy Coblentz
    Randy Coblentz Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Graham: Thanks so much. This is the answer for the iPad problem in this thread. Much appreciated!