Searching For Questions in Monographs

Bill Member Posts: 378 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have many monographs which have lists of questions either in an appendix or at the end of TOC in a study guide.

I'm looking for help on formulating a search to find all these questions whether in an appendix or a study guide in the TOC of all my monographs.

This seems to get a few.  questions INTERSECTS appendix* Using, books, monographs, all text, all passages.

But it doesn't quite narrow in on what I want.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Too soon old. Too late smart.



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,013

    Bill said:

    I'm looking for help on formulating a search to find all these questions

    I have no success with your query because INTERSECTS wants an overlap with the word terms (but it will get results in footnotes!).

    With "Surface text" selected, I had better results with question* AFTER heading/largetext:appendix and heading/largetext:question*

    label:answer  will provide tagged questions/answers from selected books.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Bill
    Bill Member Posts: 378 ✭✭✭

    I had better results with question* AFTER heading/largetext:appendix and heading/largetext:question*

    label:answer  will provide tagged questions/answers from selected books

    Thank you Dave. Very helpful.

    I also modified heading/largetext:question* to heading/largetext:"study guide" to find all study guides in monographs.

    I also modified the above to specify a topic, "salvation" WITHIN 20 WORDS heading/largetext:question*, and, "salvation" AFTER heading/largetext:question* which also helped in narrowing the results if needed.

    question* AFTER heading/largetext:appendix was pretty broad and again included a lot of hits that just had the word question or the word appendix within a phrase or statement.

    Regarding the Label:answer, I used answer:topic:resurrection  and other topics with success but I'm confused as to why the search Question:Topic:resurrection and for all the other same topics used on the answer search produces zero results. My expectation is that it would have produced the exact  same results. What am I not understanding?

    Again thanks for your help!

    Too soon old. Too late smart.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,013

    Bill said:

    'm confused as to why the search Question:Topic:resurrection and for all the other same topics used on the answer search produces zero results

    Question is a different label  and it has different attributes/properties to answer.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Bill
    Bill Member Posts: 378 ✭✭✭

    Question is a different label  and it has different attributes/properties to answer.

    Thank you Dave. Yes I see. 

    "The Questions in the Bible dataset provides an annotation of all the questions in the Bible based on the underlying original language

    Too bad  there isn't something similar for searching other books and in English in a similar manner.

    Some of those question types could be useful in searching monographs, 

    • Request — A questioner issues a request or command in the form of a question.
    • This/that" — The questioner asks whether one thing or another is the case.
    • Wh- — A questioner asks what person, place, thing, or time fills a given role (i.e., “Who?”; “What?”; “When?”; “Where?”; etc.).
    • Yes/no — A questioner asks whether something is or is not the case.

    Too soon old. Too late smart.