Morph Charts

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander Member Posts: 3,008 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How do I cite the Morph charts in Logos Bible Software? The way to do this is to enter a lemma, and the tool called Morph Charts in Logos will populate a visual chart that shows all the forms of that lemma in the New Testament, as well as their frequency. There is no one other than me who is clearly accountable for these specific graphs. I must also disclose the source of the data to offer credibility. This is used in my research articles. They could reproduce my findings based on the criteria I use. I searched the forum and found a way to cite Logos datasets but not the morph charts.



  • Christian Alexander
    Christian Alexander Member Posts: 3,008 ✭✭✭

    A good friend of mine sent me to this resource 

    Thompson, Jeremy. Bible Sense Lexicon: Dataset Documentation. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015 is how I cited the Bible Sense Lexicon for a paper once before. But this is still an electronic rather than print resource which means it can be changed and reformatted.  Is the morph charts driven by datasets? 

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,011

    I searched the forum and found a way to cite Logos datasets but not the morph charts

    Morphology Charts

    Interactive paradigm charts displaying the forms in which a given lemma appears in the biblical text. Given a lemma (original language or transliterated), this tool plots the forms of that lemma into a grid with frequency numbers. This is useful for learning about word forms and common usage. The Morphology Charts interactive requires a morphologically tagged Bible resource that supports the Logos Hebrew Morphology (like the LHB) or Logos Greek Morphology (like the SBLGNT).
    Logos Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2024).

    There is a citation for this interactive, but "Logos Help" shows it is based on the in-house original language morphologies and also states that it does not cover all parts-of-speech. Depending on your application, you can derive the information from a Morph Search  e.g. lemma.g:εὐλογέω@V??S and cite that.


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