BUG: Resource Linking

Mike Coburn
Mike Coburn Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Since the most recent update, I've had an issue with linking between very specific resources.

Logos 10, v. 35.0.520

In one pane, I have open Revised Common Lectionary - RCL.
In another pane, I have open Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary. (Note there are multiple volumes of this resource. Also, abbreviated FOTW below.)

Normally, I have these resources set to Link A. Thus, when I click on the OT citation (for example under Proper 14, Year B, Sunday, August 11, 2024) in RCL, FOTW flips to the correct page, with the right heading (Proper 14) and correct citation (2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33) and with the first of the four essays, "Theological Perspective". This is the way I understand it is supposed to work.

However, if I click on the NT citation (Ephesians 4:25-5:2), either at the top of the Proper 14 entry, or down further at the top of the text, FOTW flips to, in this case, Fourth Sunday in Lent > Ephesians 5:8-14.
In order to get to the correct Ephesians section in FOTW, I have to click on one of the other readings for the day, and then scroll FOTW to the NT section.

This occurs with numerous other days in Ordinary Time. I have not done an exhaustive investigation throughout the calendar. I've only noticed it in the last month or two.
Other resources flip to the correct, or expected, page when clicking the RCL citations. So this seems to be a bug in the coding of links for FOTW.

Obviously, I can work around this for now; it's not a fatal flaw, merely and inconvenience.
But I hope it can be addressed and corrected soon. 

If you need any additional information, or questions, please ask.




  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,236


    You're running into a scenario where one of your resources (Feasting on the Word) has two milestone indices (RCL Liturgical Calendar Date and Bible References) and it's paired with two resources where one has a Liturgical Calendar Date index (the Lectionary) and the other has a Bible index. When you make the Bible active, Feasting on the Word "follows" by looking for that milestone anywhere in the Feasting on the Word commentary series. When it finds one, it opens to that location.

    We have a design for new linking behavior that might work for this in the future but its nowhere near ready for implementation.

    In the meantime, you might find a better experience if you remove the Bible from your link set. Clicking on the reference in the lectionary will still make your preferred Bible open to the proper location but the commentary will no longer "follow" the active reference of the Bible.

    I have one other potential solution that we (Logos) might implement but it has trade-offs and I'd rather find out if this solves your use problem first.