Bible Verse Search -> Text Comparison

Chris Heil
Chris Heil Member Posts: 174 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am trying to build a collection that would include all my English-language Bibles that contain the verse Luke 16:8. What would be an easy way to build this collection?

What started me down this rabbit trail, I had already built a collection of all my English-language Bibles (type:Bible AND lang:English) which I realize would include many that are OT only or translations of only 1 or 2 books that are not Luke.  When I use the Text Comparison tool with this collection for Luke 16:8, I assumed it would ignore the Bibles that do not include the verse.  Instead I am getting the message below.  Is this message expected?  Shouldn't the message also include which resource (or maybe which first resource) does not contain "Luke 16:8"?

Windows 11 & macOS 15 (Logos Pro) | iOS 18 (Logos Mobile Beta)



  • Kevin A
    Kevin A Member Posts: 1,059 ✭✭✭

    Hi Chris,

    You could manually tag each bible which has this passage, and then create the collection based on the tag.

    I don't think you can automate this, but maybe someone else knows of a way.

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,445

    You need the first resource in the list of selected resources to be a Bible with broad coverage (both OT and NT). However, the order of books in a collection is indeterminate. In order to get around this problem, add a specific Bible that you want to use as the primary resource and then drag it so that it is listed before your English Bibles collection.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Chris Heil
    Chris Heil Member Posts: 174 ✭✭

    You need the first resource in the list of selected resources to be a Bible with broad coverage (both OT and NT). However, the order of books in a collection is indeterminate. In order to get around this problem, add a specific Bible that you want to use as the primary resource and then drag it so that it is listed before your English Bibles collection.

    Including a primary resource and then dragging it above the collection worked great. I did not know you could drag to reorder in that tool so I learned an additional helpful tip for later too. Thanks Andrew.

    Windows 11 & macOS 15 (Logos Pro) | iOS 18 (Logos Mobile Beta)