Changing a Highlight with Multiple Highlights Present

Doc B
Doc B Member Posts: 3,609 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I need some help with this one and I'm afraid of what I'm going to hear.

I have some section titles highlighted in a book with more than one some cases there are three. Here's a screenshot of an example-

The (1) is a Reference highlight of a bible verse; the (2) is a Selection HL right here in this book, and the (3) is the same...also a Selection HL in this book of different information.

My problem is, in some places I need to change the (2) HL without disturbing the others. If I select the verse and click the circle/slash, it deletes all the HLs.

Is there a way to only delete the (2) or a way to edit it? (I need to change the 2 to a 3, for's my HL palette for clarity...I'd be switching off the HL called "01.82 Scaled variant2" and replacing it with "01.83 Scaled variant3".)

Note the 'M' HL and the 'Wx' HLs are in the same palette...if they were all in the same palette, deleting them and replacing them would be fairly easy. As it is, the red double-cross is in a different palette and is a Reference, not a Selection, so deleting it and reinstating it is a bit of a pain. This book is versified so it responds to and displays Reference HLs.

Any help is appreciated.

Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

