What would you like to see in Bible Study Magazine?



  • Gary Butner, Th.D.
    Gary Butner, Th.D. Member Posts: 483 ✭✭


    I really appreciate the work that has been put into Bible Study Magazine. I do have one request, and that is for larger type. I realize that increases the cost, however, 8 point type is extremely hard on my 67 year old eyes. 

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Perhaps they need Bible Study magazine for milk drinkers, and Bible Study magazine for meat eaters?  Of course no sane marketing person would call them that, but you get the idea.

    Bible Study Magazine for milk drinkers could be better named   Garden Dweller's Edition [W] (as in Eden: vegetarian?)

    Bible Study Magazine for meat eaters could be called the   Post-Diluvian Edition [pi]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Rick Ross
    Rick Ross Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments about BSM.  Today I ordered a back copy so I could see for myself because subscribing for a year.  One would assume that a mag named "Bible Study Magazine", would concentrate on that topic, and I assume it does.  I, too, do not need or want to know how the world studies God's Word, but, I would enjoy reading how real Christians approach it.  Logos has helped in this area, although I am sort of new to their product, and still learning to use the Bible Study Library.  Can't wait for the Thayer's Greek Lexicon to get finished.

  • Esther Jones
    Esther Jones Member Posts: 134 ✭✭

     I'm already thinking about using this tool/magazine as a ministry to get others more interested in studying Scripture, like for example the two young boys I've prayed for over the last 5 years who came to receive Christ not too long ago and are hungry to be in the word. It's also a great coffee table item for guests to pickup and read, or maybe stimulate Godly conversation.

    Great resource!


    I'm probably somewhere in the target area of this magazine.  So for what it's worth, let me give a perspective:  those of you who have gone to college and got all the bible study methods and understandings, and Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic shouldn't expect this magazine to keep on doing that for you.

    I, too, have appreciated having BSM as a replacement to DJ.  I miss DJ's art, as I am a musician and believe that great art is just as important to discipleship and worship as words are.  When I read the first issue I received, I realized that it had some interest for me, but would even be more interesting for friends who do not even comprehend my level of bible study interest, let alone the depth of interest some of you have.  I am hoping that they will be fascinated by what they find in BSM, and I plan to pass my issues on to others who might be inspired to do more bible study because of it. 

    With that in mind, pictures are going to be a big draw...sorry, you fellows who just want words, words, words; those who need this knowledge are more visual and need pictures to help explain.

    I would appreciate, for my own sake and the sake of those I plan to pass the magazine on to, more explanation of basic hermeneutics and bible study principles.  The whole "context" thing, for instance, is so important, that it ought to be pointed out specifically, as well as used as a technique in the articles (as it is now).

    I don't mind too much the "celebrity" articles, but frankly, the people I would pass these magazines on to won't know them any better than they would know Piper, Washer, or the "dead guys".  So the articles could be from/about any of these categories and it would be just as effective.

    Hope this was a helpful review from someone within the "great unwashed" camp instead of the "great bible studiers" camp.

