Spell check in Sermon Builder

Is it possible to disable spell check in Sermon Builder? It's incredibly annoying if I'm writing in my language. Each word is underlined with a red wavy line (see picture). I don't hope you would extend Spell check to the Czech language. Therefore, I think this would be a very useful feature for anyone whose native language is not supported.


  • Gjermund Øygarden
    Gjermund Øygarden Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I have the same problem …

  • Bernhard
    Bernhard Member Posts: 723 ✭✭✭

    Same in notes. Please do not assume, we are always and only writing in the UI language.

  • Savanna Lineberger
    Savanna Lineberger Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 805

    Thank you for the report. We have a couple of cases to look into spell check in sermon builder, I will ensure this issue is captured in one of those.