1) Why Logos and 2) Why Logos over Accordance



  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    And I could go on (also i saw someone state iphone ipad were a reason to go logos, but logos is  going to have a lot of catch up to do soon there, accordances app will actually allow you to install any of you owned files to your phone, because Logos uses a cloud setup, they have to get permission from the publishers, most all the items I want to use on Logos are not iphone compatible because of the silly cloud model, even downloading items to phone for airplane mode, leaves you unable to access footnotes).  

    Just so you know... we're not done with our iPhone app. It's getting some pretty serious (and cool!) attention. So, I don't think it's fair to compare our shipping-nearly-a-year app to someone else's not-yet-shipping app. You should compare our "not shipping yet" app to their "not shipping yet" app. And, while I'm not making an announcement, I'll suggest that then the comparison above will be irrelevant. :-)

    -- Bob

    Fair Enough and I am very happy to hear that you are working on updates for the iphone. I wasn't sure it was an on going project, i mean your widget never got updated, and accord's one is nice for super quick bible passage copying when you don;t want to bother opening up you app. I don't mean to infer anything bad about your program (other than lack of PPC support but then I know you can't support old hardware forever).  If I could crossgrade over all my files  from accordance I might even consider deleting Accordance. I like like both and use both daily. And truth be known if i had to make a choice of one only I would likely choose Logos, it is a great program. But thankfully I can have both. And while i would recommend Logos to anyone I want every mac user to know Accordance is out there and an option, and possibly for some a better one. 


  • tjluoma
    tjluoma Member Posts: 24 ✭✭

    Ryan Burns said:

    My point isn't about herd, but about resources. Logos has 180+ employees and revenue to support future development. While, sure, large companies have issues sometimes but if based on current user, $$, and growth, Logos is seems like a good ship to be on. The proof is in the pudding. Logos can more quickly generate new products more quickly and at a greater rate than Accordance because they have the resources. Accordance doesn't have an iphone app (been in development for 6 months +/-) or any online access to their resources (that I know of). Logos has all those things because they are a bigger company with more resources to expend on expansion and growth. As a user, that is a factor worth considering, right? If you want an iphone app and online access to your resources (and whatever other cool things you can think of) who is most likely to deliver?

    They've also been involved in developing for the Mac since the early 90s, and have released two working versions of their Mac app in the time it took Logos to get one working Mac version released.

    Logos has been in the Mac market for a very short amount of time for their users (former employees?) to be skeptical about their ability to deliver.

    Logos has an iPhone app, but honestly it's been of little use to Mac users before now. It will be interesting to see how much more useful version 1 of Accordance's iOS app is than Logos' was.

    So yes, Logos has more resources to throw at development, but their offerings on the Mac and iOS haven't been so far ahead as to leave distance Accordance can't cover.

    After a few days with Logos 4, I keep coming back to the speed and performance issues. There are a lot of pastors out there with 3, 4, 5 year-old computers. I was really surprised to see Logos' answer to be: 

    "On older computers, Logos 4 can be sluggish. We recommend purchasing a new computer or sticking with Logos 3 until you can."

    source: http://www.logos.com/4/faq

    That's just not likely scenario for most pastors (anyone been to a church budgeting meeting lately?), especially when looking at a software purchase of several hundred dollars.

    The library options that Logos has are truly impressive. To me, that seems like it might be the decisive factor in choosing between the two software packages, for most people. It's also the toughest element for one person to evaluate for another.

    Comparing these two programs is no easy task.


  • tjluoma
    tjluoma Member Posts: 24 ✭✭

    Correction: "Two versions of Accordance" is inaccurate. I was thinking there had been a new version of Accordance when I first started using it, but that was just a "point" release bug fix.

    The point I wanted to make was that it seems specious to say "You're better off with a bigger developer" when that developer doesn't have much of history on the Mac.

    This is why this comparison is difficult. Sure, you get a bigger development team and a bigger library with Logos. But Accordance is giving 100% of their attention to a Mac version with a longer history. I'm guessing that will show a difference in the iOS app that Accordance releases, even if it comes in later than the Logos app.

    I dunno. I'm just trying to see this all from several angles.

    It would be nice if both Logos and Accordance could coordinate their release schedules so somewhere mid-October we had stable new releases of both the Mac and iOS versions. :-)


  • Mark A. Jamison
    Mark A. Jamison Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Hi Luomat,


    Allow me a moment to give a little background, I'm a PK who grew up loving to read, and while the Lord has not, as yet, called me to the pastorate, I have audited the odd seminary class hear and there when I was near a seminary. So basically I'm possibly a different perspective altogether. It would be a tad disingenuous to call me a true laymen, but at the same time I'm not relying on either Accordance or Logos to assist in my profession.  

    I also must confess I'm in the Software industry, though not affiliated with either product discussed here. 

    I own both Accordance and Logos. I was a big fan of Logos, before I switched platforms from PC to Mac. So 2.5 years ago I was one of the ones beta'ing the first librionix beta. I disliked the instability of it, and , to tell the truth, disliked the fact that some of the best parts of Logos was itself missing. So I went looking for another Bible software package. I eventually came across Accordance, and liked it far better that my other options. I should note that I briefly entertained the idea of VMWARE fusion + XP + Logos, but eventually passed on that since the only valid XP license I had available was from work, and thus meant that should I ever leave work I would need to find that Bible software process again. 


    So I've used Accordance for about 2 Years. Coming back to Logos with Logos 4 as soon as I became aware of it.  I will likely soon dump Accordance altogether. There are two key reasons for this :

    1. Ease of Use/Ergonomics. (Including comany website) 
    2. Choice of additional titles to the Library.
    3. Mobile apps.


    I'll explain each below:


    First, the "Ease of Use/Ergonomic" aspect. In two years I've never really had much luck with setting up devotionals in Accordance, in Logos it's child's play. If I want to do searches beyond just "words" and "verses" in Accordance it's a chore, in Logos its a Breeze. Now don't get me wrong, Accordance allows you a lot of flexibility and their concept of workspaces is pretty nice, if all you are really do is a Bible study, but you can do the same in Logos, and for me it is just a simpler to use interface. I included the company website as part of this because I cannot divorce the product from the company website, especially since both companies provide additional books/titles/products/support through that website. Right now If I search for "Martin Luther" on the Logos website, I get a very professional looking output with a very easy way to identify what are products from logos, and how much they cost. On the Accordance website it's generated visa vie a googles search and is pure text. Like so many things in Accordance the website ultimately does the same thing Logos does, only it requires a lot more manual work on my part to parse the information.


    Point 2 is the choice of additional titles. And here it's a no contest. If you happen to be someone who is of the Reformed faith within the Church, well Logos has material avaible that Accordance doesn't have, or once again Accordance's website has let it down. Go do a search on A. A. Hodge, R. L. Dabney, James Henley Thornwell, or any number of presbyterian Theologians. On the Accordance website absolutely zero shows up. On Logos, they are already there or on the way, in fact the Scholar's Edition includes Cornelius Van Til in it's package. 

    FInally, the Mobile apps. I have access to my entire library through Logos apps for my iPhone and iPad (and yes I have both). Accordance is promising something in the future, but so far I don't have anything I could use.

    If the libraries you need/want are available on both products, and the mobil aspect doesn't appeal then ultimately I do believe it is very much a "nikon versus canon" type of  argument, as both a very useful powerful tools. However for me, the mobile apps and the extensive library of reformed theologians makes it a no brainer now that Logos has a mac native product.






  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,581

    Jeremy said:

    A few months ago I ran across a blog of someone who was testing Accordance, Bible Works, and Logos at some sort of conference.

    I see that no one has responded to your question, so I did a bit of searching and found this blog http://thislamp.com/?p=230 . If this what you were looking for?

  • Jeremy
    Jeremy Member Posts: 687 ✭✭

    Jeremy said:

    A few months ago I ran across a blog of someone who was testing Accordance, Bible Works, and Logos at some sort of conference.

    I see that no one has responded to your question, so I did a bit of searching and found this blog http://thislamp.com/?p=230 . If this what you were looking for?


    Yep that was it. Can anyone here actually do what the blog asked? Could Logos 4 even run that type of search in November of 2009?

  • Donald E. Stidwell
    Donald E. Stidwell Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    I also own the latest versions of both packages. I actually started with Accordance 7 back when I first switched to the Mac back on 2005. (Actually I started with QuickVerse and was totally unsatisfied with it, but didn't want to spend the money on Accordance, but realised the I really disliked QuickVerse and Accordance was the only other real option when I switched). I felt that Accordance was a powerful program, but not particularly user friendly for non-scholar, non-seminary, non-pastor types. I am just an "ordinary" church member who wants to study the Bible in either English or Spanish (I actually work in a Spanish ministry). Over the course of time, I learned to appreciate the flexibility of Accordance and especially its speed (which is still second to none, especially with V9). But still I always felt I was someone out of my depth with the program and that too much of the program was really designed for scholars and not ordinary lay folk who just want to study the Bible.

    When I bought my netbook to supplement my Macs, I wanted a good Bible study program to use on Windows 7 and since Accordance isn't available on Windows, I did some research and went with Logos. At the time I bought Logos, it was on sale for 20% off which made it irresistible! I bought the Bible Study package and I was stunned by the ease of use and flexibility of Logos 4. (Although, on a netbook, it's hardly fast. It's useable, but no one in his right mind is going to use Logos 4 exclusively on a netbook even with 2 gigs of RAM).  For a non-scholar, the passage guide is fantastic and Accordance doesn't really have anything to match it. I actually was reluctant to admit that I really liked Logos 4 better than Accordance, but the truth is I find that Logos 4 really is more appropriate for the type of Bible study that I do. Add to that the number of titles you get with Logos 4 and the ability to buy e-books as well and Logos 4 is a clear winner to me. Accordance may be perfect for scholars, but for Joe Layman I think Logos 4 is more apt.

    However, I have to say that I'm totally unimpressed with the iPhone app. For one thing, the Bible that I actually use the most in Spanish isn't available for the iPhone app (The Reina-Valera 1960). Also, I find the app to be a bit unpolished and as far as I can tell, there's no way to use a split screen to see, for example, a Bible and commentary, that scroll together. So for my mobile Bible study I actually use Laridian's Pocket Bible which I think is the BEST of mobile Bible study applications. (I've been using Pocket Bible for years on the Palm, Windows Mobile and now iPhone and I have a LOT of resources for it). I also use Olive Tree's Bible Reader for my RVR60 since Laridian doesn't have it available.

    But back to Accordance and Logos 4: I started using Logos 4 on the Mac back during the early Alphas (while simultaneously using it on Windows on either my netbook or in Boot Camp on my Macs), and while the early Alphas were too unstable to be useful, by the mid-betas I found it perfectly stable enough to use on my Macs as my primary Bible study tool. 

    For now, I intend to keep both on my Mac. I have some resources in Accordance that I don't have in Logos and vice-versa. But 90% of the time, I use Logos because I just find it fits my needs better with the number of resources and the Passage Guide which I just love!


  • Jeremy said:

    Jeremy said:

    A few months ago I ran across a blog of someone who was testing Accordance, Bible Works, and Logos at some sort of conference.

    I see that no one has responded to your question, so I did a bit of searching and found this blog http://thislamp.com/?p=230 . If this what you were looking for?

    Yep that was it. Can anyone here actually do what the blog asked? Could Logos 4 even run that type of search in November of 2009?

    Living and learning - blog comments included Accordance handout - tried to replicate 1st Bible shootout challenge item using same Hebrew word - opened Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear - hovered over word to show parsing - double clicked for Brown-Driver-Briggs lexicon - right click Bible Word Study:


    For 2nd challenge, Accordance presentation started with different greek word.  Personally curious - stayed with initial Hebrew word - Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear did not have corresponding LXX greek word, so looked in Library for LXX resources - found "The Parallel Aligned Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Texts of Jewish Scripture" - right clicking on parallel did nothing - back to library for another LXX resource - opened "Septuagint with Logos Morphology" - used parallel aligned resource to choose Greek word - right click Bible Word Study (BWS) - clicking on Hebrew lemma (initial word) in BWS  showed 11 occurrences of LXX translation with verses in English.  Back to "Septuagint with Logos Morphology" - clicked interlinear display to show Greek and Hebrew on bottom of panel - right click on Greek word has many options - also noticed Greek and Hebrew parsing on bottom of screen.

    Adjusted panel sizes some - then screen shot on 27" iMac - full size image is 2,473 pixels wide by 1,440 pixels tall.

    Looking at Accordance handout, recognized Logos 4 Bible Word Study lacks ability to filter/group by grammatical usage.

    From forum postings, suspect some MVP's could answer about Logos 4 search capabilities on PC in November 2009.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,581

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Living and learning

    Thank you for the superb analysis.

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    rom forum postings, suspect some MVP's could answer about Logos 4 search capabilities on PC in November 2009.

    I did not attempt such an operation in November 2009. The most important consideration is the current capabilities of the two applications. I regularly use—and really like—both. At present, I use Logos more than Accordance, but that may be due to involvement in the various Alpha/Beta releases on both Windows and Mac.

    The ideal situation is to own both, but if that is financially prohibitive, investigate. Test both in your real world environment under your preferred Bible Study method. Demo versions and low cost introductory packages are available. Different people will come to different conclusions.

    Some customers of both Logos and Accordance are passionate about their choice and fiercely loyal to their chosen application. It is almost as bad as the Windows/Mac debates. Hey! They're tools, not objects of worship. [8-|]

  • Jeremy
    Jeremy Member Posts: 687 ✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Looking at Accordance handout, recognized Logos 4 Bible Word Study lacks ability to filter/group by grammatical usage.

    This is something I started a thread about a few weeks ago. L3 seemed to be able to do this. I know you can pretty much do it using the regular searching, but I would like to see it in the word study. It just seemed a little easier that way.


  • Jeremy said:

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Looking at Accordance handout, recognized Logos 4 Bible Word Study lacks ability to filter/group by grammatical usage.

    This is something I started a thread about a few weeks ago. L3 seemed to be able to do this. I know you can pretty much do it using the regular searching, but I would like to see it in the word study. It just seemed a little easier that way.

    Concur - like range of meaning shown by Bible Word Study (BWS) rings, including pop-up when hovering over ring section:


    Dreaming of BWS rings in Grammatical Relationships (Subject, Adverb, Object, ...), ideally with Translation choice.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Monroe R Miller
    Monroe R Miller Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    The  proof is NOT in the pudding. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Look it up.


  • The  proof is NOT in the pudding. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Look it up.

    OK (easy NEAR search - left side of screen shot) - 3rd bible shootout item bit more challenging - morph search lower right:


    Found Library has Sentence Analysis resources (hover mouse over word for parsing - bottom left); opening multiple copies of same resource helpful.  Also noticed search results highlighted in NA27 text.

    Note: screen shot on 27" iMac - full size image is 2,472 pixels wide by 1,440 pixels tall.

    Did morph search for 100 words (match Accordance Handout); turns out changing 100 to 15 yields same results:

    (Οἱ BEFORE 1 Word δέ) AND (@V????[^NP] AFTER 15 Words lemma:δέ) ANDNOT (@C AFTER 15 Words lemma:δέ)

    By the way, learned Logos 4 has 20 morph search subtypes for Conjunction.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jeffrey Hands
    Jeffrey Hands Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    Here are my 2 cents.

    First of all, my experience with both Logos and Accordance customer service puts them both at the top of ALL applications on my Mac. They are both exemplary in their promptness, understanding, clarity and helpfulness. Both companies have a good philosophy here and good employees carrying it out. Quick Verse on the other hand... (I know that's not our topic, but the comparison is relevant). I am not convinced that Quick Verse has any customer support employees at all! Contact was never possible except for automated e-mail responses, promising an answer would come later, which it never did.

    Second, with Logos 4, Logos seems to have approached everything they do from the standpoint of how the user interacts with the software and materials. I know of no other software on the Mac (at all) that takes care of its own maintenance so effectively and unobtrusively. (OK there were some bugs with indexing on Alpha versions, but no more for me). Adobe could learn something here!!! Logos updates itself, keeps all of my purchases online and intact, doesn't require me to enter an admin password. It just works and keeps working. I get the feeling that even better things are coming just based on how motivated the software developers are. You guys have done great work!

    I have tried over and over to understand Accordance, but even with their tutorials I just scratch my head and think "too bad I'm not a software designer, cause maybe then I'd understand why they did stuff this way". The Logos Home screen is great, the customizable Bible Reading plans are great. Highlighting and taking notes that works (almost) intuitively. (When you highlight a verse, it would be good if the Notes window brought you to THAT verse immediately, instead of starting you at Genesis again). To this day, I think I've made 2 Notes with that function on Accordance.

    I do like with Accordance that I can have German and English translations scrolling synchronized and that it starts quickly. The fact that Logos automatically saves your desktop view regularly is great, whereas Accordance requires a dialog box for this, with clumsy steps thereafter "name this desktop..." (same name) "do you want to replace this desktop and all its contents?"  I just give up and hit cancel. Why can't a simple "command save" just update the desktop in Accordance, something that Logos does itself invisibly.

    OK, maybe it was 4 cents

  • David Mitchell
    David Mitchell Member Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭

    When you highlight a verse, it would be good if the Notes window brought you to THAT verse immediately, instead of starting you at Genesis again

    Slightly off-topic: this will be fixed soon in an upcoming release.

    David Mitchell
    Development Lead

  • Jeffrey Hands
    Jeffrey Hands Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    Thank you David.

    Your prompt answer plus the coming fix is exactly what I meant when I said that Logos has motivated programmers who are preparing good things for the next releases!

    greetings from Munich,


  • Chris Echols
    Chris Echols Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Sometimes when software has a lot of technical forum help, it's because something isn't as obvious as it should be.  I think Accordance shines in being intuitive and having pretty detailed help so I don't have to always ask on their forum.  I hope that I don't have to become a frequent poster on the Logos 4 forum after I make my purchase.

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    I just give up and hit cancel. Why can't a simple "command save" just update the desktop in Accordance, something that Logos does itself invisibly.


    Workspaces are updated with a Command Save. And while this isn;t a place sing the praises of Accordance, I will say I like the flexibility it has compared to Logos for customizing the way I start up... I have several work spaces set up, including NIV Study Bible, Expositor Commentary ESV SB and NLT SB, one click and in less time than it takes for Logos to even think of loading I am up and running. I like logos and it has a nice user interface, but the home page is limiting for me. And it't log on is frustrating, it has often it taken 4 or 5 attempts for it to successfully  log on. 


  • Living and learning - 4th Bible Shootout - Logos 4 has easy morph search for interjection - @I - found some quirks (e.g. Lemma sort order and result line display):


    Logos 4 Mac 4.0a SR-1 (and Logos 4 PC 4.2 Beta 1) include accent marks when sorting Lemma's - hence alpha sorted after delta and omicron.  In separate forum post, reported bug about Lemma display missing in result line after option+click (along with 2 verbs in interjection result list).  Morph search of Old Testament passage: Genesis - Malachi includes some apocryphal results.  Can display graph of NT results, but cannot display OT graph.  Comparing lemma's found in Logos 4 to Accordance handout, noticed Logos found 19 lemmas in LXX (some in apocrypha) while Accordance handout had 8.  Likewise Accordance handout shows interjection translations - in Logos 4, LXX reverse interlinear bit challenging since Hebrew word order flipped (dreaming of Logos Bible Word Study enhancement - filter or group by morphology).  Aligning search results facilitates looking for contextual usage patterns by various  authors.

    Note: screen shot on 27" iMac - full size image is 2,478 pixels wide by 1,440 pixels tall (annotated with arrow to show cursor location for verse pop-up from NT result graph).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • David Mitchell
    David Mitchell Member Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭

    I like Logos and it has a nice user interface, but the home page is limiting for me. And its log on is frustrating, it has often it taken 4 or 5 attempts for it to successfully  log on.

    Quick note: you can set up Logos to automatically load your last active layout on startup, rather than the home page.

    Also, if Logos prompts you to log in every time you start the app, there may be some incorrectly configured file permissions on your system. If you post in a new thread, we may be able to get that sorted out for you.

    David Mitchell
    Development Lead

  • mab
    mab Member Posts: 3,069 ✭✭✭

    I threw my lot in with Logos after being on the Beta with a very small Logos library I had on my PC. The reason became clear in the initial experience.  Logos 4 puts everything on the table. Like having a couple dozen books open to the right place when you do a Bible search. If you just want one open, you can do that too. I don't need a reference to decipher the morphology codes, I can see what all the original language words are. All the subjects referenced in the passage are there to get an instant dictionary explanation. It's just there. If I need to dig deeper, I build on this foundation. I can run it on a Mac, a PC, or search my library on the web from most anywhere.

    Software is merely a tool. I think Logos is a more accessible instrument for study. Isn't that the idea?

    The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter

  • More living and learning - not know how to complete 5th challenge - found forum post from Nov 2009 => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/5590/43446.aspx (includes some links to Bible Shootout commentary)

    Found a WIki page with Morphological codes => http://wiki.logos.com/Morphology_Codes - desired more Verb Family insight - looked in Library - found Systematic Glossary.  Observation: seems searching for verbal aspects more useful than searching for verbal root spelling change (weak), especially for non-professional linguists.

    Also in library, found Biblical Hebrew Reference grammar with 11 weak verbs.  Observation: appears Accordance handout searched for 2 forms of weak verbs - not know about Biblical usage of Middle voice for the other 9 weak verbs.


    For morph searching on Mac, while unable to click item to modify search (can do on PC), learned can use arrow keys and enter to modify Morph search codes - press tab to highlight search phrase, followed by enter to start Morph search.

    Note: screen shot on 27" iMac - full size image is 2,476 pixels wide by 1,440 pixels tall.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Bob
    Bob Member Posts: 171 ✭✭

    I do like with Accordance that I can have German and English translations scrolling synchronized


    Two words, "text compare".  Just be careful, I once accidentally got a layout with TC stuck in Psalms with "all bibles". The program appears to die forever filling the panel.

    Bob - 17" MBP quad 2.3GHz 4GB  and iMAC

  • I do like with Accordance that I can have German and English translations scrolling synchronized


    Two words, "text compare".  Just be careful, I once accidentally got a layout with TC stuck in Psalms with "all bibles". The program appears to die forever filling the panel.

    Another option is linking resources: e.g. scroll Hebrew, LXX, and English Bibles:


    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • John Featherstone
    John Featherstone Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    Logos v Accordance:

    A couple months into the Logos 4 for mac, I'm less satisfied with, than with the old 3.0g or e or whatever the last version was. Logos 4 has a marvelous layout, brilliant tools, but is impossibly slow. This running on an early 2008 2.4 ghz MacBook Pro with 4 gig of ram, 256 vram, and OS 10.6.4. 

    When launching it goes into the "whirling rainbow ball," for 2 or 3 minutes, but after launching it even takes  longer for all the commentaries to load. The pop-up word studies and text studies on the far right (standard layout) are nearly a minute wait while I impatiently hold the cursor over the word I want information for.

    Other times its the "gray screen" wait.  And it doesn't "remember" the ABC links I set for each resource, and every time I change texts I'm into the long wait again. Opps, I selected the link on a resource that opening in Matthew and now my search window and all the other linked resources have been "hijacked" to Matthew, and I'll have to start my search over again.  I've learned to dislike using it because of the wait. I find myself launching the old Logos 3 version (under WinXP in Parallels) and running it alongside BibleWorks 6 or 8, but the newest library resources won't load under the old 3.0 version. The installer records an error. Now I always use BibleWorks for a special text search and detail on the Greek & Hebrew,  because it's always been faster, (but it's a different product with different goals).

    I study in a study group three times a week. One of those I serve as the full-time facilitator, moderator, and the other two I trade off with others.  I've tried to pre-anticipate all possibles and load them before the study group, but that's not always possible. Usually I print an outline.


    Re: Accordance, I have friends using Accordance, with the "scholar, primary super bundle" or something like that., and I've watched them use it, and it never seems that slow. Seems brisk by comparison to my Logos 4, and nicely intuitive. But I probably have more of the resources that I want in Logos than they have. Some aren't even available in Accordance. 

    Years ago I switched OS platform to a WinXP machine in order to support Logos use, That was before there was any really viable Mac Bible software, and when emulation OS software was very slow on the Mac. Things are better now. I think the world is changing, the comparatives (Bible software)  are closer today than they were then, but when the code for Logos 4 gets fine tuned, or else the processors catch up to the load Logos 4 put on them (Im hearing the same complaint with the quad core desktops and the i5 and i7 processors) it will again tip the scales more strongly in favor of Logos.  The libraries aren't yet comparable yet with Accordance, and I love the Logos support people, but it's got to get closer. I hate that Logos has gone primarily web based, but many of the features on my phone are the same. Its the future of things and Logos is ahead of the curve.

    Yes, the Logos team is on the right track, but it's just too slow now. Beats going through the stacks in the library, or accessing some school's online library resources, but it's not a real time "on the fly" bible study tool yet. i'm certain that Logos 4 is the future, but it's not here yet, not for me anyway. I'll need to supplement it with a lot of other stuff. (BibleWorks 6 & 8, e-sword, and two other special collection resources.)

  • B. J. Clarke
    B. J. Clarke Member Posts: 116 ✭✭


    The specs on my MacBook Pro are the same as yours, and while I am hopeful for more speed optimization in time to come, I am not having to wait as near as long as you are describing.

    I really believe that if you posted your logs (See the first post in the forum list to learn how), the developers would be able to help you diagnose the problem, and find ways to enhance the performance of the software on your machine.

    It's worth a try anyway.



  • Bob Deacon
    Bob Deacon Member Posts: 648 ✭✭

    I have hesitated in making this post out of respect for Logos and its developers who have certainly worked tirelessly on this product. I am certainly grateful for their hard work.


    I have both Logos 4 and Accordance 9. I have had Logos since they came out with Logos 3 and I have only acquired Accordance within the last year. May I say very respectfully that I am disappointed in Logos 4. It is incredibly slow and the note feature in my opinion is lame. I have 4 gig of ram running on a 13" MacBook which is about a year old. Logos 4 is slow to load, slow to render the highlights and notes and it is cumbersome to put in notes. Logos 3 note feature worked much better IMO. While it is certainly true that there is a much greater library of resources to choose from in Logos and I currently use Logos for only one resource I find Accordance incredibly fast, has an awesome "search all" feature and is much more friendly with my hardware resources. I am not desiring to be critical. Logos has an incredible sales and support staff but then so does Accordance.

    For the time being my primary Biblical study resource is Accordance.


    Bob Deacon

    Pastor, Faith Outreach Community Church

    Gatesville, NC

    Bob Deacon

    Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)

    Windows 11 inside edition 

    Samsung S23

  • Dick Roberts
    Dick Roberts Member Posts: 48 ✭✭

    I too have used both Logos (PC), Logos (Mac), and Accordance.  I believe my first Logos was version 2 and my first Accordance was Scholars version 4. I have also used Logos Mac since it first came out. I use both PC and Mac at work and Mac at home. My perception is that both Logos and Accordance are excellent programs, both have feature sets unique to themselves, can essentially do much of the same things, although in different ways, are well supported by capable support staff, developed by godly Christians, and have loyal followers.  I believe the question asked, "why Logos / Accordance over Accordance/Logos" is a legitimate question allowing users to share what they believe the strengths of their respective software is.  Since my work has generously allowed me to maintain both platforms I use both programs daily.  I am unable to build as large a library as I would like, but for basic sermon/lesson preparation, I find that either Logos or Accordance can do pretty much everything I want to do.  My only caution to the fans of their respective software is to beware of demonizing those who are fans of the other.  My bottom line: If I only ran PC - Logos the clear winner -- if only a Mac - Right Now its Accordance