Books in Spanish

Jose Caballero M
Jose Caballero M Member Posts: 2
edited February 13 in Spanish Feedback
Please could you share promotion for ministers can have more interest in Spanish also?
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  • Jose Caballero M
    Jose Caballero M Member Posts: 2
    An experience at Los Angeles County.
    Starting among friendship of Latino pastors a program we named LO QUE DIJO JESÚS (As Jesus Commandment Is), through devolopment the evangelization from a local church in their neighborhood. But with other friendly churches supporting the special event of local church in charge. Including members going to work as voluntiers at different areas or service in the ark event or parking lot INVITING FAMILIES around the local church in charge.
    Only is showing the card of rhe local church.
    The small groups Are join local members and volunteers.
    And about the very close results We had We will need material for discipleship new believes to do the follow up.!!
    Lo Que Dijo Jesús at Mathew 28.
    Pr Jose Pepe Caballero
    Los Ángeles