Handbuch der Liturgik (german)

Gero Wassweiler
Gero Wassweiler Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
edited February 11 in Deutsche Buchvorschläge
The "Handbook of Liturgy" is a proven companion in everyday theological life. Particular attention is paid to the services at church services as well as to the new forms of worship and the scope for design opened up by the "Evangelische Gottesdienstbuch" (Protestant Worship Book). The handbook is not limited to Protestants, but has an ecumenical and international orientation.The new handbook is a textbook, study book and workbook all in one. It is aimed at pastors who are looking for inspiration for their liturgical practice, but at the same time want to justify and reflect on it theologically, anthropologically and historically. It offers students of theology comprehensive information on the overall field of worship culture. For historians, cultural and social scientists as well as representatives of other disciplines, it can serve as a reliable reference work. The handbook offers references to current literature and lists relevant internet addresses. A comprehensive index enables targeted work. Whoever is interested in the worship activities of the Christian churches will find here basic information at the cutting edge of scholarship.
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