Logos on iPhone 4 vs. iPad

Robert Lombardi
Robert Lombardi Member Posts: 50 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm considering whether it's better to go for the new iPhone 4 or the iPad. The retina display on the iPhone 4 makes text crisp and readable even at small fonts so I wonder if perhaps Logos 4 on the iPhone 4 is adequate or maybe even better than on the iPad. It's certainly cheaper to get a 2 year contract data-plan and have an iPhone 4 that does many things rather than iPad that's limited. But I would like to hear the experience of those who own these devices.



  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,418 ✭✭✭

    First, the cost of an iPhone 4 with contract is actually the cost of a contract (usually about 80-100 bucks) minus the cost of your current cell phone contract times 24 plus the cost of the iPhone. My guess is by the end of two years, unless you are already using a smartphone with expensive data package that the upfront cost of the iPad will be more but the total cost after 2 years will be less.

    As for the readability of text comparing the two, the retina is good, but the size of the ipad makes it more readable for me. I have both and I would much rather read on my iPad than on my iPHone, which I only use for Bible study when I don't have the iPad around or when I am purposely testing software as part of my CCMag gig.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association


  • Robert Lombardi
    Robert Lombardi Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    I was planning to get a 3G iPad anyway, so the cost in data plan is not an issue. I also get a corporate discount on my data-plan. There's so many additional value-adds for the iPhone 4 (i.e. video, photos, phone, mobility) that I wonder if I would desire to sit back on the couch and read from it vs. sitting at a computer. 

  • lostlogik
    lostlogik Member Posts: 187 ✭✭

    I have an iPhone and as good as it is, with the bells and whistles, I'd rather do reading using an iPad. The screen on the iPhone is too small really for sustained reading use. It's ok for short dips but any serious reading requires the larger screen. (a friend has an iPad and having used it for a short while, going back to my phone was hard) That said, I'm glad I have my iPhone. If I had to choose, I'd probably stick with the it, as I can slip it into my pocket, so I know it's always with me. But if all I was looking for was a couch reader, then it would be the iPad.

    (Written on my iPhone)

  • Keith Larson
    Keith Larson Member Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    I had the same choice before me in July and I went with the iPhone and have not regretted it.  As has been said with the iPhone you always have it with you, that is a big plus for me.  The only negative about the reading experience for me is the constant taping to move to the next screen.  As for as readability goes I can make the text as large as I want and the retina display is awesome. If and when highlighting comes out to the Logos app I think at that point I will feel more motivation for an iPad.  With the Kindle app I find I have to make to text smaller to highlight a sentence that is at the bottom of the screen.  Depending on how often this happen in a reading session this can range from mildly annoying to extremely frustrating.  Another advantage of waiting on the iPad is hopefully the next generation will be lighter and even better yet they will offer the rumored smaller version (the size of a Kindle).  I don't care about the larger screen size of the current iPad, because I would not be using it for anything else but reading.

  • Kurt Trucksess
    Kurt Trucksess Member Posts: 226 ✭✭

    I have the iPhone 4 and the iPad. I would rather read on the iPad any day than the iPhone 4. Yes the Retina display is great but it is too small. The iPad is much easier to type on and puts more text on a page (since I am typing this on my iPad)
    There will be a lot of exciting stuff coming out for the iPad in the next year. Get one and hold on for the ride!

    Dr. Kurt Trucksess

  • Jon
    Jon Member Posts: 767 ✭✭

    I used Logos regularly on the iPhone until the day I got an iPad, I've used it maybe once or twice since. Same is true for Kindle app, newspaper apps and apps for reading own documents etc. For reading there is just no comparison. Secondly, the bells and whistles on the iPhone 4 are great but not revolutionary, if you could get a cheap 3GS the difference is insignificant in my experience.

    If I had to choose now between an iPhone 4; or an iPad and a cheap/old mobile for calls I'd choose the latter - especially if you went iPad 3G!