How can I fix the slide to format correctly after exporting them to PowerPoint?

Chris Keene
Chris Keene Member Posts: 2

The slides look good in the sermon builder and then after exporting I run into issues. If I use the fully rendered version then they are too small and I have to adjust each slide individually to resize it to fit the slide in PP. If I use the editable version then the font is super large and I have to change each one individually. Fixing every slide takes up the time I was trying to save by using the sermon builder to make my slides. Would love to hear your advice on how to correct the problem moving forward.



  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,811 ✭✭✭

    That’s always been a problem. Hasn’t been addressed for the longest!

  • Chris Keene
    Chris Keene Member Posts: 2

    I was wondering, but was hoping that I was just missing something that would easily fix it. I they are planning on addressing this issue soon in a future update, because if not, it makes it hard to want to continue to build slides in the sermon builder. I am waisting too much time adjusting them afterwards.