Parasha Blessing
Parasha Blessing Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

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  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭

    @Parasha Blessing can you clarify your question please? Are you trying to find commentaries on the OT prophets or references to OT prophets in any commentary?

  • Parasha Blessing
    Parasha Blessing Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Either or is the answer. Commentaries are easier to digest. I watched a YouTube video on the topic of collections. It was even said that I could find info on collections in this forum.

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭

    If you are trying to find OT prophets commentaries, you can just use the Passage Guide and enter the reference of the prophet's book you want. You can also use the filter bar in the library menu to filter first to resource type = commentaries and then subject = OT then prophets. You can build a custom collection in the collection tool in the tools menu. You can type a query such as type: commentary AND bible:Isaiah-Malachi.

  • Parasha Blessing
    Parasha Blessing Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I tried all of your good suggestions except for the collection tools menu. I will try that as well. By accident, I found that the AI on Twitter called Grock works quite well. I used it to get the scriptural background. used by the composer of Handel's Messiah. Anyone want a sample I will send it along to you.