Library Management - Thank you for consolidating Author Names

I'm not sure when this was done - maybe in the last year or two, but I just noticed today that the tags for authors have had some major updating and most of the names have been consolidated.
A minor thing, I suppose, but it would always bug me browsing my library and see 10 different listings for Spurgeon depending on how they entered his name:
Spurgeon, C.
Spurgeon, C. H.
Spurgeon, C.H.
Spurgeon, C H
Spurgeon, Charles
Spurgeon, Charles H.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
and at least one or two that misspelled the name. And all my books would be spread out between them.
There were many, many authors like that. Jay Adams, for example, had his books listed under:
Adams, J.
Adams, Jay
Adams, Jay E.
Adams, J E and so on.
I was pleasantly surprised this morning when putting some tags on my books and browsing by author to find that it seems that someone has gone through and standardized a lot of these so that an author's books show up under one name, not under several different variations of it.
Still a little left to be done, as you can see from the image - as Preston Sprinkle and Preston M. Sprinkle are the same person, and I found a few others. But it sure is a lot better than it was!
R. C. Sproul was another one that had numerous variations but those have been changed.