Make Order History Filterable by Date

I have an order history on with 936 orders dating back to 2008, which is not that big relative to some folks here.
However, when I try to view the list, Chrome, Edge, or Firefox slow down to a crawl—almost crashing. It is very slow, even on my 12-core 64 gig system.
Accessing a year's worth of purchases as I prepare my taxes/file for reimbursement is so helpful.
Agreed. This seems also related to a suggestion I made a while back where multiple orders that go through automatically on the same day should be grouped together in a single purchase order, which would reduce the total number of receipts we'd have to keep track of. See this post:
I know that there are internal processes that make this difficult, but it is not impossible. It just requires thinking outside of the box and imagining alternative systems, instead of running along with the default system that has gone unchanged in 12+ years.
Although, I will say, that the OP's suggestion above is probably much easier to implement than my own. :)