Smart Search not so smart on this one

See the image…. the results returned seem to be way off the mark on "How did Paul die?" I assume compared to having other prioritized resources? What else could be causing this? Wouldn't it make more sense for the AI to do a more complete survey of my library to present results that truly appeared to answer the question?
Look at the difference between my smart search, and the screen from a mp seminars smart search of the same question. Theirs is much more accurate in trying to provide resources to answer the question…
My results:
Morris Proctor seminar results:
The first search seems to be in one specific resource (Catholic Commentary …) while the second search seems to have no restriction (i.e., the search is run on Your Books).
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Prioritization does not play into Smart Search at all. Yasmin appears to be correct in the observation that you have restricted the search to only one commentary. I was able to duplicate your results by utilizing the same restriction. When searching all of my resources, I was able to get a much more helpful result.
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@NetworkGeek Look at the difference between my smart search, and the screen from a mp seminars smart search of the same question. Theirs is much more accurate in trying to provide resources to answer the question…
You chose the wrong book/method. An ALL Search would be more productive, whilst a Books Search of all my books produced an accurate result from one book.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Ah my bad, a leftover book selection at the top I did not see! Thank you @Dave Hooton @Yasmin Stephen @Aaron Hamilton for the suggestion to check that! Here is an updated run, looks right now!
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You omitted the Synopsis, which is the crucial part!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Ah yes - I was focused on the list of resources. I keep the Synopsis turned off until I get some experience in how many AI credits I use haha.
Here is my synopsis, it was good!
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Here is my synopsis, it was good!
I only had the Drane book in Library so your additional books provided more detail.
===Windows 11 & Android 13