L4B5 I'm Confused

Dale Durnell, Retired UM Clergy
Dale Durnell, Retired UM Clergy Member Posts: 173 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Ok, I had L4B5 up and running this afternoon already. I closed it out. I opened it up a couple of hours later, nothing new has been installed, and I get the "this may take awhile" message while the little icon in the systray is counting down through the stages again.

Hey, it had everything indexed (or so I thought), so what's with the preparing your library process, days into the beta with no changes?

As I said, I'm confused.




Dale Durnell

Coming to you from Henryetta Oklahoma (45 miles south of Tulsa, and 85 miles east of OKC)




  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    I confirm.  Exactly the same for me this afternoon..........

    ........   Mel

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Bobby Terhune
    Bobby Terhune Member Posts: 700 ✭✭✭


    This last night I had the same experiece on my desktop, but strangely enough not on my laptop. I have no idea what caused it to reindex since I had opened and closed B5 many times since I last completed my indexing.