Problems with the style option in sermon creator

Juan Espinosa
Juan Espinosa Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

In the sermon tool, there are problems when changing the style of a selected text.
For example, if I want to change the color of a word and then underline it, after changing the color I have to deselect that word and reselect it and it doesn't let me do it all at once. That's weird and impractical.

Is this happening to anyone else?
How do I stop this from happening?



  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,430

    I am unable to reproduce this in Sermon Builder in v39.0 using Windows Desktop. Have you updated to the new version released today? It might be worth checking to see if that solves your problem.

  • Juan Espinosa
    Juan Espinosa Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    You're right, the problem is gone, this was one of the problems that bothered me the most. Great update on this topic.