Unable to install Logos lost my install with 39

Jack M. Tenney
Jack M. Tenney Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

Hi, don't how to do this really. Tried to Post something already it went some where. So here goes. Tried to install Logos update 39 and it failed. Called support and they tried for hours and were unable to help. I commend the efforts but success. The tech said it was windows installer services. So why am I able to install other software? Please explain because I don't understand. I installed e sword with no issues but I cannot install Logos. When I install Logos it gets about 3/4 of the way done and then stops and says unable to finish. Really disappointed. My laptop is on windows 11 24h2 a surface book 2 with i5 processor 8gigs of ram, 256 gigs of disk space. It was running it fine until today.


  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 3

    Hi Jack,

    I had issues with regaregards to Logos update 39 as well. What I finally did was downloaded the install file again and just clicked/reinreinstalled the program and it worked fine. I hope this works for you.

    Peace & Blessings, Michael

  • Gordon Lyons
    Gordon Lyons Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
    edited January 16

    Update 39 installed fine on my laptop, but not on my desktop (initially). It stalled on the desktop. Eventually, I closed Logos and then restarted the software. This time, it updated OK - but it took longer than usual for the update to install. (Both laptop and desktop are running Windows 11, latest update)

  • Leonard D. Franklin
    Leonard D. Franklin Member Posts: 49 ✭✭

    I am having trouble updating on my newer ipad

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,922

    I am having trouble updating on my newer ipad

    That would be for different reasons (I don't know what they are) than those being discussed here which are desktop-related.

    I suggest starting a new thread and tagging it as a mobile app issue explaining exactly what problem you are experiencing.

  • Jack M. Tenney
    Jack M. Tenney Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Hi all

    Well to start with I am still not able to install Logos now. A Senior Customer Technician is trying to sort this out. Last night He apologized for not succeeding. Today he asked for more info. I have a case number so I think he is still looking into this. This is confusing because this is way over my head. I don't want to start messing with the innards of this thing, I don't know even where to start. Again I don't understand why I can still install other programs tried with success but I cannot install Logos. The tech tried so many different ways of fixing this I cannot even begin to count them. I am going to give it time and see if a fix comes down the road before I make any decisions. Thanks for your comments it is greatly appreciated.

  • Jack M. Tenney
    Jack M. Tenney Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Hi all

    Logos is now installing onto my computer as I type this comment. Thanks to the Senior customer service tech it is possible and the solution is so simple that I feel foolish. He said to go to the downloaded logosinstall file and right chick on it and run as administrator. That did it. Hope this helps someone else.