First time using the new forum...ick.

Is there any way to reduce the size of the default font? It's gigantic.
Is there a way to see the titles of the threads in a compact way?
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
It's awful, isn't it? Everything is huge and double-spaced and taking up far too much screen space. It's like reading an academic thesis, not a forum. To answer your questions, no and no.
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Turn your binoculars backwards?
Actually, it's a BIG time saver. I typically scroll once or twice on the forums. In the golden era, that meant most of the day's posts … took forever. Now with the New Era, it's maybe the last couple hours or so. Basically, whatever's being argued. The rest? Out of sight, out of mind.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Not to mention, there's really no categories other than language. The old forum had WAY too many categories that it made it difficult to just browse. This one is the opposite - there's no categories, everything is just thrown together.
I've never understood why they have never had a category for book suggestions. Instead everyone just posts a random thread with a random title in it, and you don't know… are they requesting it in Logos format? Are they reporting a bug in it? Was it just on prepub and they didn't get it added to their account? Did they really like it and wanted to tell others? I mean it's all lumped together, who has time to even bother looking through all that? There's no organization.
It's like it was designed by someone who never used a forum before. At least, they've never used it on a computer - perhaps it looks alright on a tablet.
All the extra white space and double spacing, and greyed out text is an eye sore. It certainly doesn't make you want to spend much time here.
There's been several threads with people commenting on how difficult the new forums are. I posted in one an example of what a well designed forum format looks like… (this is common forum software that 100s of forums use)
It's organized. The stuff is EASY to see, EASY on the eyes, the text takes up the ENTIRE page, not leaving half of the page empty space.
Subforums are easy to navigate. You can easily go to the last page of a thread, rather than here your ONLY option is to click on the thread, and then navigate to the last page.
Contrast that with having literally half of the width of the forum just be empty white space.
The greyed out text is hard on the eyes.
Want to quote something relevant? Maybe someone asked a bunch of questions and you want to answer one of them. Well you can quote the entire original post or nothing. That's kinda dumb.
Want light mode instead of dark mode? No problem.
The width of posts will adjust to match your screen. Relevant info like the poster's name is on the side, so you can easily just read the conversation.
It seems all the new forum did was get rid of all the subforums and then instead of the posts being centered, but still taking up only half the screen space, now they still take up the same amount of space but are over a couple of inches.
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AndAnd thisthis proproblem hasnthasn't beebeen fixedfixed, eithereither!!!
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A lot of complaints about the design. But one thing the new software does much better than the old is to scale and reformat to be friendly on mobile devices. This also gives you more control over font size and layout. The old software, if you enlarged the font size to a size that was easy on the eyes, the entire page grew to the point where you needed to do horizontal scrolling.
Unlike the old forum software, the new forum allows dynamic text reformatting when viewing messages. That means it can be adjusted and it will reformat itself to fit the screen of whatever device and/or browser is being used.
How to change the font size
Keyboard shortcuts Windows: Press Control-Plus (+) to increase the font size, or Control-Minus (-) to decrease iT Mac: Press Command-Plus (+) to increase the font size, or Command-Minus (-) to decrease it
Mouse wheel Hold down the Ctrl key, then scroll the wheel down to increase the font size, or up to decrease it
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I just tried the mouse wheel thing…yeah, that isn't a "font change"; it's a scaling change, like changing the View settings in Word, where you can see Page Width or Whole Page, etc. Reducing the size of the "font" is really just reducing the size of the window/page…you are INCREASING the amount of white space on your screen.
The Ctrl +/- does have a small amount of font size adjustment, but it also starts to reduce the window size as well when you try to decrease the font size.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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yeah, that isn't a "font change"; it's a scaling change
You can also change just the font size. How to do it varies depending on your browser. There are keyboard commands and also menu commands on mobile.
Change the font size in SafariYou can increase or decrease just the font size of pages that you view in Safari on macOS Sierra. Safari will remember your settings until you clear your History.
To increase the font size, press Option-Command-Plus sign (+)
To decrease the font size, press Option-Command-Minus sign (-)
Or you can go to the View menu and hold down the Option key while you select Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller.
On mobileTo change the text size in Safari on an iPad, you can use the page zoom tool:
Open Safari
Tap the AA button in the address bar
Tap the large A to increase the text size
Tap the small A to decrease the text size
Tap the % indicator to return to 100%