Sermon Builder bugs

Pastor Scott
Pastor Scott Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

So I'm finding a number of bugs in my Sermon builder of late. Below are a few of the most pressing:

  1. 'Fill In' words aren't transferred properly to the slides
    1. Whenever I have a fill in word (which is several for several slides) I have to go manually into each slide and put the _underscores_ on either side of the word. This is time consuming and a new issue that I never had before.
  2. Once I build my slide, for the outline, when I begin typing my notes, the slides are deleting all the info that I had previously built up in it. This of course is a huge time waster as well - and as a pastor, I can't afford wasting it.

Please address ASAP. If you're experiencing other bugs in Sermon builder, feel free to list them here.

