39.1 Sermon Editor Problems

Pastor Will Swem
Pastor Will Swem Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

WHOA. I was used to the idiosyncrasies of sermon editor, and I have been typing my sermons directly into it for years. Version 39.1 changed a lot of things overnight, and now I'm having to adjust.

Backspace DOES NOT decrease indent anymore in lists. That's new.

The scripture insertion is clunky, and all of the sudden, I can edit inserted verses, instead of selecting them as a block.

Putting a space in before pasting no longer inserts quotes inline, they come in as blocks, which I have to change to normal format.

MOST ANNOYING is that I cannot export a handout with the answers in the blanks. No matter what I do, the handout exports with only blanks. I can export to Rich Text from the Web App, but the desktop app WILL NOT export a handout with answers in the blanks.

Anyone else having this crisis?