(Resurrected?) Bug: Typing Bible Reference Under Pointer (BETA)

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 630 ✭✭✭

I posted this on the non-Beta forum and got no response (here). Posting it here on the Beta forum in the hopes that it will get a response. This is one of those bugs that you encounter dozens if not many more times every day! Would be great to clean this up…

I noted that this has been an issue in the past, and seemed to have gotten worse with Logos Bible Study 36.0.733 (Update channel: beta). It's still an issue currently with Logos Bible Study 40.0.351 (Update channel: beta). Windows.

From my previous post:

I have been having a lot of frustrations with this in the past two weeks. I know this has been an issue in the past, so it's certainly not new, but it seems to have gotten worse recently.

The issue happens when I am typing a Bible reference in the Sermon Builder. If I begin typing a Bible reference under the mouse pointer, as soon as the Bible reference becomes a hyperlink, the pointer engages the hyperlink and disables typing until I move the mouse out of the way.

While you may think this would happen relatively infrequently since the mouse pointer has to be under the Bible reference as it is being typed out, it actually happens frequently. Usually when I am inputting a Bible reference, I often have to stop typing, look up the Bible reference, and then reactivate the Sermon document by clicking a little ahead of where I want the cursor to go. Once I type the Bible reference, it is usually right where the mouse pointer was. 

Sometimes I type a whole sentence without looking, and only later find that it wasn't actually allowing me to type.

See video here: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AjD4JuF-0EgFjKYHHZTfZV3ukSs1IQ?e=5BydvE 
