New iPad and no way to download ALL books at one time.

JJ Wurtz
JJ Wurtz Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

I just replaced my iPadPro with a new iPadPro with a 256gb of space. All my books were downloaded to my pervious iPad so that when I traveled or didn’t have internet I could still use my app. However, now it appears I can’t ask it to download all my books at one time, i must do them 100 at a time. I have over 5400 books and this will take 54 separate download request of me selecting 1 book at a time.

Need help please!!! There has to be a better way to do this.

Any suggestions????



  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,372

    You can effectively manage these downloads through your desktop application. Open your library and select all your books (Ctrl+A on windows, Cmd+A on Mac?). Now open the information sidebar in the top right corner. In the devices category, there will be a box to check that will send those resources to download onto your mobile device. There is no limit using this method.

  • JJ Wurtz
    JJ Wurtz Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    You rock, once’s I was able to make sure my two iPads names were correct, I was able to select the books and pick the iPad I wanted them to be downloaded to. Thanks for the help!!