Copy Bible verse on Android no longer includes reference

Daniel NM
Daniel NM Member Posts: 174 ✭✭

When copying the selected Bible verse on Android the copied text no longer includes the verse reference.

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  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,211

    Check in Settings - there was a change in a recent release.

    I think, for Citation Settings, you should have:

    • Copy Citations enabled
    • Use short format for Bibles enabled

    I'm afraid I don't have my Android phone with me to check

  • Carl Thomas
    Carl Thomas Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Came here to report the same problem. Before, you didn't need to click add citation. You could copy the verse and it just copied a verse with the reference. Now the only way to copy a verse is to enable citations you get the verse, a hyperlink, the publisher etc. What happened?

    A bible program should allow you to copy the bible without advertising the software you are using. Its not like this is free. We paid good money for this.

    Thought it was an android problem but the same is happening on my ipad.

  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,586

    It doesn't seem to me that the intention here is advertising. However, there is certainly inconsistent behavior with the citation settings in v40 using Android 12. I get different results depending on where I am copying to, and it's difficult for me to tell exactly how "Hyperlink copied citations" is supposed to work due to the inconsistent results I get. adding a checkmark next to Use short format for Bibles does seem to help. Part of my trouble might be due to having an older version of Android. I often see the link written out, rather than it being integrated into the Bible reference. But not always. 🤷

  • Carl Thomas
    Carl Thomas Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    The difference in formatting is how hyperlinks are handled wherever you are posting to is my guess.

    The fact remains, A month ago I could copy selected verses with reference. Now I can't without a hyperlink to Logos' website. Clearly that is not for the user's benefit. Why would I need a hyperlink in a word document or a separate notes app? Unless this is a bug, this is forced advertising.

    I am hoping something got lost in the latest update and it gets corrected quickly because this is a degradation of the software.

  • Carl Thomas
    Carl Thomas Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Why in the world would I need a hyperlink to Logos' website when I am trying to copy a bible reference from the app?

    Both of your examples display a hyperlink. It previously did not require this and this is a degradation of the software. if I am writing or taking notes from my Logos app to a word processor, why would it require me to paste a hyperlink to get the bible reference?

    There is absolutely no reason for that other than to advertise their software that I purchased in the off chance I am pasting this link online.

  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,586

    Why in the world would I need a hyperlink to Logos' website when I am trying to copy a bible reference from the app?

    This isn't happening. Have you followed any of the links? It opens the Bible reference in the app. It does not open the Logos website.

    Both of your examples display a hyperlink. It previously did not require this

    I think this is a bug. My expectation is that no hyperlink should be included when I do not have Hyperlink copied citations checked. As it is now, hyperlinks are included regardless of this setting.

  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,308

    Yes, there is a bug. Hyperlinks are being included when sharing from our Android app, even when the option for hyperlinks is disabled. We are working on fixing this.

  • Carl Thomas
    Carl Thomas Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Well, if its a but, please forgive me for saying this was on purpose. I was super frustrated.

    Thanks for chiming in.