Open search results in same tab

When I search within a given resource, the search results are all listed in the original tab, but when I click on one of the results, it opens a new tab. This is a relatively small thing, but I find it extremely frustrating that there’s no way to open search results in the same tab in which I did the search. I have all my tabs arranged the way I like them, and I don’t like having to rearrange them. Is there a way to enable this basic function?
Hi Jeremy - and welcome to the forums
When I search within a given resource, the search results are all listed in the original tab
Just to clarify - are you referring to an Inline Search like the one shown below?
If so, what do you mean by "open the search results in the same tab" - as the search results are already visible?
Do you mean you want to see the Bible / book fully open to that place - which would lose the other search results in doing so? Or do you mean something else?