Anchoring several bible verses to a note as a reference rather than as selected text

I'm using Logos (Verbum) Pro version 40.2. I'm having trouble (1) creating a note anchored to several bible verses as a reference as opposed to as selected text, and (2) adding to an existing note a new anchor to several bible verses as a reference as opposed to selected text.
- If I select two contiguous bible verses, I can check the context menu (right click menu) to confirm that I've selected reference rather than selection. If I click on the quick menu that pops up when I highlight the two verses and choose the note icon (bottom left of quick menu, which describes itself as "add note"), the anchor is to the selected text. If, instead, I select the two verses, right click to open the full context menu, and then select "add note," the anchor is a reference to the verses themselves. Is that a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
- If I select two contiguous bible verses that I want to add to a new anchor in an existing note, my choices are to anchor the selected text or manually add a reference. I don't seem to be able to have my verse selection recognized.
Given how important the distinction is between an anchor as a reference and an anchor as selected text, I surely would like to resolve this. Any help will be appreciated!
Best Answer
If I select two contiguous bible verses, I can check the context menu (right click menu) to confirm that I've selected reference rather than selection. If I click on the quick menu that pops up when I highlight the two verses and choose the note icon (bottom left of quick menu, which describes itself as "add note"), the anchor is to the selected text. If, instead, I select the two verses, right click to open the full context menu, and then select "add note," the anchor is a reference to the verses themselves. Is that a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
That's operating as expected. The "quick menu" is called the "Selection Menu", and it operates only on the selection. It's the equivalent of choosing the "Selection" option in the context menu.
If I select two contiguous bible verses that I want to add to a new anchor in an existing note, my choices are to anchor the selected text or manually add a reference. I don't seem to be able to have my verse selection recognized.
If you type the reference in the navigation box in your Bible and hit enter, this will set that reference as the active reference, which will then be available in the Notes tool. Just selecting text doesn't change the active reference, as this would often prove to be disruptive to other functionality that uses the active reference (like panel linking).
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
If I select two contiguous bible verses, I can check the context menu (right click menu) to confirm that I've selected reference rather than selection. If I click on the quick menu that pops up when I highlight the two verses and choose the note icon (bottom left of quick menu, which describes itself as "add note"), the anchor is to the selected text. If, instead, I select the two verses, right click to open the full context menu, and then select "add note," the anchor is a reference to the verses themselves. Is that a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
That's operating as expected. The "quick menu" is called the "Selection Menu", and it operates only on the selection. It's the equivalent of choosing the "Selection" option in the context menu.
If I select two contiguous bible verses that I want to add to a new anchor in an existing note, my choices are to anchor the selected text or manually add a reference. I don't seem to be able to have my verse selection recognized.
If you type the reference in the navigation box in your Bible and hit enter, this will set that reference as the active reference, which will then be available in the Notes tool. Just selecting text doesn't change the active reference, as this would often prove to be disruptive to other functionality that uses the active reference (like panel linking).
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer