BUG Sermon Builder "apply this style to all slides" no longer works

Richard Busch
Richard Busch Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

When using the sermon builder, right-clicking on a slide and choosing "Apply this style to all slides" or "Apply this style to heading slides" no longer has any effect.

A couple of weeks ago when preparing my last sermon it worked just fine. This is using uploaded media.

Logos software version 40.2.4
Windows 11 24H2 OS build 26100.3476
Surface Pro 8


  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,302

    I am not able to duplicate this behavior.

    Of course, anyone experiencing similar problems, please chime in here.

    @Richard Busch I recommend contacting Customer Support at cs@logos.com or 888-563-0382 for further help.

  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,554
    edited 2:08AM

    I can confirm that this bug is still present in v40 and v41 Beta 3.

    1. Click on a slide in sermon builder
    2. Select Edit
    3. Edit the font in the Header and/or Subheader, for example by changing the font color to red
    4. Click Update Media
    5. Click on the slide that was just edited
    6. Click Apply this style to heading slides or Apply this style to all slides
    7. Notice that nothing happens. The remaining slides are unaffected.

    Edit: I changed the background, and it let me apply the style to all slides once, and then it stopped working. It seems every time I change the slide background, I can perform this function one time.