help passage guide title,description,box

Hi everybody
I have noticed on the passage guide that there is a box with title, and below description and there are notes dotted around
What is the purpose of title, description what would I use this for
and the note box doesn't this link to the note files, if not how do they work, is it possible to make a backup,
Please excuse any spelling mistakes or pronunciation I use speech technology to overcome my dyslexia
Michael Parry -Thomas said:
I have noticed on the passage guide that there is a box with title, and below description and there are notes dotted around. What is the purpose of title, description what would I use this for?
Passage Guides are automatically saved in L4, so you can provide your own title to your guide. Why you would want to save them, I have no idea (seems easier to re-run it than find an old one). How to access them again, I have no idea. How to delete them, I have no idea.
Hopefully this will be clarified as we go on in the Beta process.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Richard DeRuiter said:Michael Parry -Thomas said:
I have noticed on the passage guide that there is a box with title, and below description and there are notes dotted around. What is the purpose of title, description what would I use this for?
Passage Guides are automatically saved in L4, so you can provide your own title to your guide. Why you would want to save them, I have no idea (seems easier to re-run it than find an old one). How to access them again, I have no idea. How to delete them, I have no idea.
Hopefully this will be clarified as we go on in the Beta process.
I believe its along the lines of what I have been advocating for a longer time..but not quiet how I envisioned it... the need for tigher integration of the various user created documents and notes. Essentially you can add your notes on this passage to the guide and it will additionally pull in any other user created documents that the system deems related. So rather than creating a separate note file for your bible study of say 1 Peter 1:3-9, you run a guide, give it a title that matches the title of your bible study.. and work through the various materials that the guide brings up with the opportunity to add notes to each section, along with some introductory notes at the start of the section. I imagine in time when things like sentence diagrammer and sermon file addin come back then if you have documents of that type related to the passage then they will show up under my content section also. . I also would expect but have not had chance to look at it (since old machine was basiscally in a state of constant re-indexing and when that was't happening I was trying to get my head around the general interface and resource prioritisation - thought that was suppossed to be easier than keylinks - its way harder to manage!!) but I expect if you have created a dedicated note file on this passage it would also show up under my content, along with other things like clippings etc... so the guides become so much more than just a set of search results but a living document that allows you to integrate various documents and materials in your library...its a shift in thinking about what the guide is... and this is one shift in thinking with L4 that I really do relate .. or at least I think I do but with so many user created document tools being left out of intial L4 release its hard to guage how well this has been put together until we have those features on board... which is a shame.
Edit Point:
Remembered I forgot to mention the stars next to each commentary, this are simly there for you to mark which commentaries you found particularly useful to that study so next time you open then guide you will know which were the ones you liked... I guess you could also used it as a means to mark off which commentaries your have reviewed as I don't believe marking these stars has any effects on resouce rating.. they are specific to the guide..but stand to be corrected on that last thought but that is the impression I got when Bob answered our ealier questions about these stars.