A clean Win7 install and subsequent re-installation of L4

In a week or so I expect to receive a copy of Windows 7 from Newegg. Since this will be a 64 bit version and I am currently running Vista32, I will be forced to do a clean install (i.e., from scratch). Consequently, I will also have to re-install Logos 4 Beta.
I have a few questions before I begin ...
1) At this point in the Beta program, am I better off to start the install from the Beta 1 DVD or to use the download installer? Or does it matter?
2) At this point in the Beta program, do I still need to install v3 in order to get all of my books installed in L4? If so, could I simply copy my my L3 directories and files into the Program Files directory thus not have to do a re-install of L3?
3) What about my L4 customizations, tags, settings, clippings, notes, etc.? I.e., "my content"? Is the proper way to restore my content, to copy/overwrite my user files from a local backup? Which ones and where are they? Or, is my content sync'd to the cloud servers and once I reinstall the program/library, all of it will be automatically restored?
Hmmm ... question number three gets me wondering out loud and on the fly about some other items ...
a) If my content is sync'd/stored on the cloud servers, does Logos have any claim to ownership/usage a la FaceBook (recall their fiasco of this past year when they claimed that they owned and had total usage rights of all uploaded content in perpetuity, etc.). What about a few years down the road after Bob retires and a new Pres/CEO takes over? Or the company gets sold to ??? ... etc.
b) If my content is sync'd/stored on the cloud servers, this is a wonderful thing with respect to restoring or re-installing L4 ... certainly easy. And it provides a certain measure of backup protection. But, the cloud can be unreliable ... just ask Microsoft/T-Mobile about their recent loss of data. As a result, I go back to my previous comment about the need to know what/where/how to restore user files from a local hard drive.
c) Sorry if a and b sound like my Paranoid meter is pegged!
Thanks for your help with these questions.
Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)
JRS said:
In a week or so I expect to receive a copy of Windows 7 from Newegg. Since this will be a 64 bit version and I am currently running Vista32, I will be forced to do a clean install (i.e., from scratch). Consequently, I will also have to re-install Logos 4 Beta.
As someone waiting for my Win7 disk as well I'm facing the same thing.
IMHO this would be a good opportunity for Logos to post an ISO of an install DVD so we can download/burn and test how a disk install works.
Notice the not so subtle hint.
Given the multi-gigabyte downloads we've experienced I propose it would be a very good idea to back up all of our resources. I have a NAS that I'll be using for that purpose, but unless you want to download 5GB of data, back up your stuff. I'm planning to. When you install, put the resources in the search path for L3, assuming that you're question #2 is affirmative.
I've not done too many customizations at least not that I care to keep just yet. So I'll await the answer on that.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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1. Downloading should be fine.
2. It won't discover your v3.0 files (I believe) unless v3 is installed. In the final v4 release this won't be a problem -- your licenses will be downloaded, and missing books downloaded from the web, but all the books aren't in the 4.0 resource update system yet.
3. All your settings and data will be restored from the cloud.
a) The company is privately held with a large majority of control in one family. I'm 30-40 years from retirement and don't have any plans to sell. :-)
b) Yes, it's easy and reliable. Keeping it up is one of our primary goals. Yes, theoretically any cloud solution is a risk, but so is any local backup. (I can't read my old backup tapes. Or floppy discs.) But at the moment we don't have a local backup solution other than backing up your whole hard drive. (Not a bad idea if you're paranoid.)
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Bob Pritchett said:
1. Downloading should be fine.
2. It won't discover your v3.0 files (I believe) unless v3 is installed. In the final v4 release this won't be a problem -- your licenses will be downloaded, and missing books downloaded from the web, but all the books aren't in the 4.0 resource update system yet.
3. All your settings and data will be restored from the cloud.
a) The company is privately held with a large majority of control in one family. I'm 30-40 years from retirement and don't have any plans to sell. :-)
b) Yes, it's easy and reliable. Keeping it up is one of our primary goals. Yes, theoretically any cloud solution is a risk, but so is any local backup. (I can't read my old backup tapes. Or floppy discs.) But at the moment we don't have a local backup solution other than backing up your whole hard drive. (Not a bad idea if you're paranoid.)
1. Excellent.
2. When the time comes, I will experiment a little bit with just copying the L3 directory.
3. Excellent.
a) 30-40 years, eh? Well, I must admit that I don't see any grey hair in your picture. Combined with your stated intent to not sell, I have a much less paranoid disposition.
b) Logos is the only company I am willing to meet in the clouds. I still keep a 1TB for backup purposes. To coin a phrase, "The fear of the data loss, is the beginning of wisdom." I look forward to a local backup solution somewhere down the road.
Thanks for the feedback and clarification, Bob.
Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)