B7 - no new resources downloading

After my search problems with B5 and B6 (causing constant crashes). I did a clean install yesterday. I uninstalled both Logos4 and LogosPrerequisites. I then deleted the Logos4 directory. I downloaded and installed B6. Everything indexed.
There were 5 duplicate files in the original install: Biblicalpeople, places, things, LCV, and the stickgraph thingy file.
I have now updated the program to B7. There appears to be an error with the update manager as no new resources are downloading and I still do not have access to other updated files (a problem now weeks old).
I should add, I now do not have biblical people, places or things....
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And of course, I still do not have an updated NJB. This is causing my program to crash when scrolling through the results of a search on "Joakim", possibly due to the lack of milestones.
Log file attached (and I know that it does not include an error exception and I have repeated this several times)
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My bad. Somehow I must have set Use Internet to NO.
Strange, because I downloaded Beta7 without problems????
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My B7 came with a 1.9G download.
Do you want some of mine?Stephen Miller
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StephenMiller02 said:
My B7 came with a 1.9G download.
Do you want some of mine?I got it in the end. I'm not sure if I really want it all.
Why did we need another 400MB download of 1000 Biblical images? What's changed? Does no one care about those of us on limited download plans? Why was there no warning about the size????
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The bright side is that you missed about 4 or 5 gig's for Beta 5 & 6.
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StephenMiller02 said:
My B7 came with a 1.9G download.
Do you want some of mine?
Apparently your generous offer was extended to me. I have 1.9 coming my way right now. I knew I should have let this run overnight, but I took Monday off and powered down my computer.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.