B7-bibilcal places not clickable.

I'm not sure if this has been reported for B7 but when clicking on any map in a PG...the Biblical places don't open...just a click and that's it.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
it's working for me
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and for me. Can you be more specific about what you're seeing? For example, do you get a tooltip pop-up describing the place when you hover over it? Which map and which places don't work?
In particular, it might be that if you're still upgrading/re-indexing, the map resource could be available before the Biblical Places data: that might explain what you're seeing. In particular, if something like "open biblical places to Acco" works, but you can't click on Acco on a map like Ezekiel's Vision of the Promised Land, then that would indicate something's wrong.
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I fully upgraded to B7.
I opened a PG for an OT passage.
I clicked on all of the maps that appeared and the "stereo" pic also.
No tool tip, no popups on hover, nothing. No action.
I was not indexing at the time.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Sorry Robert, it is working for me at β8
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Just to reiterate.
I can open a map resource and it will work....but the issue happens from the PG....biblical places is the issue....
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Robert Pavich said:
Just to reiterate.
I can open a map resource and it will work....but the issue happens from the PG....biblical places is the issue....
I did a PG on Gen. 35:1-15. Then went to Biblical Places section. Hovered over a map and got a popup. Clicked on "Movement of the Ark" and got a floating window with Biblical Places as I expected. B8, BTW.
Sorry Robert, it works for me.
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I'm still puzzled. In the Passage Guide under Biblical Places, you should see a series of map thumbnails. Clicking on these brings up the full map in the Biblical Places window, which is the only place where you can click on or see tooltips for individual cities. Note that, in the Biblical Places window, not all cities are clickable: only the ones that are linked to information elsewhere in Logos 4. But, for example, any place you see Jerusalem or Rome on a Logos map should be clickable, and for most maps the large majority of cities (and other labels) will be clickable.
If you open an image of a map from, say, a Bible dictionary, it will not be clickable: that's just an image. Here's an example for Midian, taken from the Tyndale Bible Dictionary: nothing on this image is clickable.
If you're still having problems, please tell us a specific map title and place on the map that you think should be clickable, and we'll check it out.
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Here is a screen shot; Galilee. I would think that would be clickable. I DO get a hover popup...but on click...no map opens.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Chris Elford said:
I did a PG on Gen. 35:1-15. Then went to Biblical Places section. Hovered over a map and got a popup. Clicked on "Movement of the Ark" and got a floating window with Biblical Places as I expected. B8, BTW.
I just reproduced your example and didn't get anything. I'm using B8
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Okay, that's very helpful. The image you're showing is taken from the Tyndale Bible Dictionary (though there's no way to tell that from the thumbnail in the Passage Guide). Do you have this resource? For example, if you type "open Tyndale Bible Dictionary" in the Command Bar, does it open up? If not, that explains why the click doesn't go anywhere (you don't have the destination), though i would expect in that case you wouldn't see map either (that's a potential bug).
If you do have the resource but a click doesn't open it, that's a (different) bug.
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I do have the Tyndale bible dictionary but remember...this hasn't worked with ANY map in the PG yet.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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In the Passage Guide you took the image of, the next map thumbnail for Galilee to the right should have a pop-up "Jesus' Ministry in Galilee". When you click on that thumbnail, it should open Biblical Places (in a separate window) to Galilee, showing you that map. Does that happen?
If it does ... in the resulting map view in Biblical Places, if you hover over the words "Mediterranean Sean", you should see a tool tip, and if you click on it, you should go to Biblical Places for Great Sea. Does that happen?
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I can click on the thumbnail map but nothing opens up; it did previous to B7 though.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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If you type "Open Biblical Places to Galilee" in the Command Bar, does something open up?Unless the window is opening but hiding somewhere, i'm stumped.
I'm sorry, but i think we may have reached the limits of the debugging i can do here on the forum. If this problem persists in the released version, maybe technical support will be able to help you straighten this out.
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Nope...not even a "suggestion" in the box...it just searches for "Open biblical places to Galilee"
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Hmm: that suggests the Biblical Places feature isn't installed properly, which seems consistent with the maps not appearing when you click. This is beyond my expertise to resolve, i'm afraid. Short of re-installing the application, i don't know what to suggest.
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I reinstalled several times, and manually deleted all of the logos folders that I could find.
Upon reinstall, the situation didn't change...I can:
1.) Manually open bible maps and click on anything I want and it will open.
2.) Search a passage citation WITH MAPS OPEN and have it come up and be clickable
1.) have any map or image be clickable from the PG.
LOGOS! Help! Nobody else seems to have this problem...but me....is there a fix in the works?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Robert Pavich said:
1.) have any map or image be clickable from the PG.
Please run a PG, click on all of the maps and (without closing Logos 4) post the log file to this forum. (There may be a clue in the log file as to what's going wrong, and posting it immediately after clicking the maps should put the relevant entries right at the end of the log file, making it easier to find them.)
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I will do that when I finish indexing.
I "rolled back" my install via a "saved image" of Logos v4 beta 1 and am now updating.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Ok...Bradley and everyone.
I rolled back to an earlier version; Beta 1 and spent all day redownloading the updates...and do you want to know what?
Biblical places works great
Syntax searching now works great
Both of which were broken badly before.
Figure that out.
I had tried a regular uninstall/reinstall and that didn't fix it...so there were files that still existed in my laptop that were "carrying over" even though I was zapping all of the folders that I could and uninstalling the program.
Weird eh?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Well done, Robert, and congratulations.
That must be a great relief!
Regards, SteveF
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Glad to hear you're up and running. There was a bug in the auto-updater (in Beta 8 and earlier) that was fixed in Beta 9. (On a different thread, some other testers are reporting that they finally have the help file.) Possibly this same bug was preventing your getting the latest Biblical Places files (and is also resolved in Beta 9).