Not a "crash" but PG shortcut not working correctly

SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I don't know if this should be in "general" or "features" or "crashes"?

I made a Passage Guide in b7.

When I attempted to pull/tug its title up into the shortcut bar it
pasted a shortcut on the bar, but the shortcut did not take the usual
entire name. ie. rather than being "Passage Guide - Heb 7:23-28" as all
other previous "saved" PG's -- this one only said "Passage Guide". When
I "opened" it all that was there was the original scripture reference
in the selection box--but NOTHING else. It was empty. This has never
happened before.

I had to re-run the entire guide.

BUT when re-run,  it "remembered" my choices as to which parts should remained "closed."!

Is any one else seeing this?

If I try to drag any of the shortcuts PG's AND ALSO Exegetical GUIDES to the shortcuts that has already been made in b6 they also "lose" their name.

This appears to be a b7 issue (unless something peculiar to my machine is taking place? I have added one of my own collections to this passage guide but have done NOTHING to the Exegetical guide).


I certainly do not mind re-doingthese, it is beta and I never had this option in L3 at all.

But this (on my machine anyways) appears to be a "bug."

I'll submit a new log file as well.

Regards, SteveF



  • George Allakhverdyan
    George Allakhverdyan Member Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭

    This does not seem like a bug to me. Notice if you click on the shortcut icon it brings up your exact guide search but hasn't yet submitted the guide for results. Clicking the blue arrow icon in the text field will trigger it to compute the results. Does this "fix" your situation? Also when dragging tabs into the shortcuts bar it takes the object name as the shortcut name and thus only gives it Passage Guide or Exegetical Guide, and if you have two I can see why it adds a (2) at the end of it. It may be useful to rename or edit the title given to the shortcuts.

  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    Notice if you click on the shortcut icon it brings up your exact guide search but hasn't yet submitted the guide for results.

    Now it is not even doing that -- they are loading completely empty.

    I do not know if this is peculiar to my machine, George, but the other (earlier beta) shortcuts:

    a) When you clicked on the shortcut they had all of their content (or at least were immediately running the sections/trying to reload them.

    -- this new one loads appear completely empty with nothing to load.

    Now, yes, if  I again put in the reference, then I would have to click on the blue arrow etc.& they would load like a brandnew Guide

    b) the earlier ones had Scripture passage names attached to them

    -- these now have NO reference attached.

    I thought earlier that they at least (when clicked on) still had the original reference in them, but that is no longer the case.

    this is definitely different and if not a bug, it is rather frustrating. I have both kinds before me on my screen, some are "empty" ie just "PG" or "EG" while the others saved under earlier beta's are named and produce content when clicked on.

    If this was a deliberate programmers change from before, then why? and can we have the "old" (ie beta 1-6) style back?

    It defeats the purpose merely to save an empty PG symbol up on the shortcut bar. I might as well go to the Guides menu to get an empty one. I thought the point of the shortcut was that one could then load previous saved work. That is no longer possible.

    If I have done something internal to change the behaviour I would be happy to learn from my mistakes etc.



    Regards, SteveF

  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    It may be useful to rename or edit the title given to the shortcuts.

    George, I do not see any way to do this.

    The "name' disappears as they are being "glued" to the "bar."

    Once they are up on the bar, if you right click you only get the usuaal four choices of:

    "Open" "Open in a new tab" "Open in a floating wiondow" or "delete"


    Is there another way to name/rename them?

    When you click to reload them they appear with no "name" ie reference.


    Regards, SteveF

  • Melissa Snyder
    Melissa Snyder Member Posts: 4,702 ✭✭✭

    Is there another way to name/rename them?

    When you click to reload them they appear with no "name" ie reference.


    I think George was referring to renaming a guide when editing a guide template. It's not possible to rename the shortcuts at this time. If you change the name in the template, then drag that guide to the shortcut bar, from the panel tab or from the Guides menu, it will have the unique name you gave that guide.


  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Melissa. I could not see any way to rename the shortcuts either.

    But that is not the point of my "trouble". (And yes, this is probably quite minor!)

    But for a few weeks at least, when I tried to drag a completed PG or EG to the shortcut bar -- during the dragging process the reference name was clearly visible in the dragging shortcut -- and  the "resource name" "stuck" to it after it was glued to the shortcut bar. 

    That is no longer happenting. As soon as the "shortcut" hits the bar its reference "name' disappears and the shortcut reverts to simply being called "PG' or "EG" rather than "Passage Guide - Hebrew 2:1-4" etc.

    Without that feature (saving a completed Passage Guide or Exegetical Guide) then there is really is no point pinning an "empty" PG or EG to shortcut bar. I will need the extra room for completed "work-spaces/layouts" etc. anyways more than completed Passage or Exegetical Guides..

    The only reason I was doing it was because the earlier ones (yes I still have them) were "titled" with their Bible reference and when loaded appeared with all sections visible and in the act of loading.

    They now (unnamed) load completely "empty".

    I can see the "before and after" evidence on the shortcut bar -- at least for a while they worked as I've described.

    If this new way is a re-design then from now on I'll just get "new" ones from within the Tools menu. I won't bother to  continue adding saved ones to the shortcut bar if they are only going to re-load "empty.'.




    Regards, SteveF

  • Melissa Snyder
    Melissa Snyder Member Posts: 4,702 ✭✭✭

    If this new way is a re-design then from now on I'll just get "new" ones from within the Tools menu. I won't bother to  continue adding saved ones to the shortcut bar if they are only going to re-load "empty.'.

    Yes, I forgot to address the main part of your question. This is a re-design, however, you can still create shortcuts that work as they did before.  Since Favorites and Bookmarks already exist for this purpose, a shortcut was needed to open a resource or guide as you would from Library or Guides, with no pre-set location or reference. 

    To create a shortcut that will open and generate a guide on a specific passage, open Favorites and drag the guide tab to Favorites. Once in Favorites, you can then drag it from there to the shortcut bar, and it will retain the reference information and automatically generate when clicked.  You can also drag the guide tab to Bookmarks and use the assigned shortcut keys to open and run the guide. 


  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    OK, thanks Melissa. At least I now know it's not just "me."

    ...And that this issue has nothing to do with my other (now more pressing) crashing issue.

    Once I can use L4b8 I'll try to figure out this new way


    Regards, SteveF

  • George Allakhverdyan
    George Allakhverdyan Member Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭

    OK, thanks Melissa. At least I now know it's not just "me."

    ...And that this issue has nothing to do with my other (now more pressing) crashing issue.

    Once I can use L4b8 I'll try to figure out this new way


    Hi Stephen, can you post a new thread regarding this crashing issue with a log file? (Sorry for the unclear way I posted my answer to you last time, I meant that renaming a shortcut would be a good feature.)