B7 Syntax resources unavailable...?

I tried to do a syntax search so I opened up the OTGNT clause analysis and hit the search button, slid it over to syntax search and this is the message that I got...
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
Are you able to open any of the resources used by the Syntax search from the Library, such as the OpenText.org Syntactically Analyzed Greek NT, the Lexham Syntactic Greek NT, or The Hebrew Bible: Andersen-Forbes Phrase Marker Analysis?
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I don't think the syntax databases can be opened from My Library. Their clause visualizer equivalents can be, but not the databases themselves.
You may be able to work around this issue by doing the following:
- Close all of your search tabs/panels
- File -> Syntax Search
- Create a super-simple query in a database other than Lexham Syntax Graphs of the Greek New Testament (LSGGNT) (e.g. Switch to OpenText and add a "Word" and specify the gloss "husband")
- Run the search by clicking the "Search" button
You should now be able to use the Syntax search features as long as you never attempt to use the Lexham Syntax Graphs of the Greek New Testament.
This issue is an odd one and should only occur if the last database you searched against was the "Lexham Syntax Graphs of the Greek New Testament". This database was replaced by the "Cascadia Syntax Graphs of the New Testament", however, there isn't currently a mechanism for us to "undiscover" the old version, which no longer works because of other enhancements to Syntax searching that requires updated resources that should've been shipped with Beta 7.
There is also a bug in the code that disables the Syntax search features in the panel; it disables the entire panel if it is unable to open the Syntax database that you most recently searched. Assuming you have the updated Syntax database resources from Beta 7 installed, the workaround above should re-enable the syntax search panel.
Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations
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Melissa and Cameron,
As you can see; I CAN open the Open Text clause Analysis (but not with other things open)
but when I click' "syntax search" I cannot get past the errror message you see there..."not available"
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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that's just it; when I choose "syntax search" i get the error you see and I cannot even choose a data base at all....
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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The error in the screenshot is in the Syntax tab of the Search panel.
You should still be able to create a new syntax search via the "File" menu (or open an existing search from the "File" menu that uses other than Lexham Syntax Graphs of the Greek New Testament").
If you can't successfully create new searches from the file menu OR open existing searches that were created for non-LSGGNT databases, then the issue is likely that you don't have the latest syntax databases discovered. New versions should've come with Beta 7.
Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations
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Oh...sorry duh....I get what you're saying....I'll check it out and report back if I have a problem
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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