Mac version & VMWare Fusion

Any word on the Mac version? I continue to run Logos 4 under VMWare Fusion but continue to be annoyed at its sluggishness. It may be my imagination but it seemed to have improved only to have slowed down again in the last few versions. I find myself dropping back to Logos 1.2.2 for Mac more often just because of how sluggish it is for me under Fusion. (And as an aside - 1.2.2 crashes much too often. This needs a fix.)
Chris Roberts said:
I continue to run Logos 4 under VMWare Fusion but continue to be annoyed at its sluggishness. It may be my imagination but it seemed to have improved only to have slowed down again in the last few versions.
I have similar environment and it seems to be running L4B9 acceptably.
- What version of Fusion are you running? the current version is 2.0.6, it fixed some known Snow Leopard related issues.
- Do you occasionally do some house keeping, like shrinking you Fusion Virtual Disk. in Windows - check the C:\ drive diskspace used, compare with Mac side under Documents\Virtual Machine\<your VM name>. If space used is substantially different then it is time do shrinking under VMTools. I think this should speed things up for you. I observed that the earlier Betas were somehow quite notorious in causing disk fragmentation on fusion VM; so my SOP is to Shrink after each beta Installation and Indexing.
- I assume that you have followed Melissa instruction to you in another thread in turning off 3D Acceleration in VM as well as stepping down graphics hardware acceleration by one step.
- I assume you have updated snow leopard with the lastest update, some known freeze issue on some disks.
I always keep a backup copy of the VM of the latest working L4B? on external media before testing, so that when it crashed, I simply delete the crashed VM and load the backup copy - about 10 minutes on Firewire800.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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Actually, the hardware acceleration was it. Caught this last night but forgot to post an update. I recently reinstalled Vista and remembered to disable 3d in Fusion but forgot to drop down hardware acceleration.
Nonetheless, Logos 4 is still more sluggish for me than 3 was and 3 ran fine with 3d enabled and full hardware accel.
As for the disk, I run Fusion on a Boot Camp install so my Windows installation has its own partition. I've found this to give better performance than a virtual disk.
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Good to know that your L4 is not crashing on Fusion now; it is quite painful rebuilding L4 from ground up.
I actually run fusion with 3D disabled, but for the sake of faster graphics I risked by setting my windows hardware acceleration to the max. Have not crashed yet [:)]
If you are on Boot Camp, you might want to run Defrag, if you are feeling sluggishness, it should help. Just run it before you go to sleep. VMware claims that Fusion 3.0 to be available shortly should run faster and exploit Snow Leopard 64bit architecture.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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Chris Roberts said:
Any word on the Mac version? I continue to run Logos 4 under VMWare Fusion but continue to be annoyed at its sluggishness. It may be my imagination but it seemed to have improved only to have slowed down again in the last few versions. I find myself dropping back to Logos 1.2.2 for Mac more often just because of how sluggish it is for me under Fusion. (And as an aside - 1.2.2 crashes much too often. This needs a fix.)
Oh no! I was thinking about purchasing my first mac, but now I am hesitant. Is it really worth it? Other than internet, I am using L4 all the time when I am on the computer. I have heard the mac engine is not as good as the one for pc, so I was going to buy parallels. Is it not worth it to get a mac to even run parallels or Fusion for L4 if it is so sluggish? What do you mac owners say? I know Mac is superior on so many levels (haha, like the commercial), but I will buy a PC just to run L4 better
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Robin Koshy said:
Other than internet, I am using L4 all the time when I am on the computer. I have heard the mac engine is not as good as the one for pc, so I was going to buy parallels. Is it not worth it to get a mac to even run parallels or Fusion for L4 if it is so sluggish? What do you mac owners say? I know Mac is superior on so many levels (haha, like the commercial), but I will buy a PC just to run L4 better
It is really very subjective. depending on if you are coming from Mac camp or PC camp.
For Windows:
- For you type of usage, maybe a regular Laptop with the new Windows 7 might be the best value & performance for money.
For Mac:
- If you think you need to do a lot of media related stuffs, Mac is more natural options.
- The current MacBook MacBookPro with Unibody is quite and interesting innovation from a single piece of Aluminum. therefore, hardware reliability. It comes with a premium.
- If you want to run Windows Apps like L4, you need a copy of Windows License, and a VM, like Fusion or Parallel or BootCamp.
- If you are going to get Fusion, get Fusion 3.0 (end of October), it seems to be much better vs 2.0.x
As for Operating System, to be really honest they were equally bad between OSX and Windows Vista. So, this is neutral.
As for Virus attack, etc, it is quite strange, no attacks on Mac environment for me (not that it is not vulnerable), developers on Mac seem to love the Mac environment and no one really wants to write or propagate virus, etc on Mac platform. On the Windows platform, if you do not have a good antivirus program, firewall, etc. You will be asking for trouble, you will surely get attack, it is a matter of time.
Hopefully, you have some basis to decide.
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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I haven't had a problem with crashing, the problem has been with sluggish behavior, slow responsiveness, etc.
It really depends. I love my Mac and load VMWare Fusion only when I need to run Logos - which is frequent, since I'm preparing sermons and such. I have a MobileMe account and an iPhone and I love how the Mac, MobileMe, and iPhone work very well together. And I just enjoy the overall Apple experience.
The Mac version of Logos is presently quite a bit inferior to the Windows version, but Logos has shown a few screenshots of Logos 4 running on the Mac and it looks good. Far as I know no one outside of Logos has been able to play with it yet (maybe a secret beta within the secret beta is going on? Conspiracy!) but if Logos does as they say, the Mac version of Logos 4 will not be far behind the Windows version, though I am wondering if the lack (?) of a beta means the wait for a Mac version will be a bit longer.
Still, even as is I am enjoying my Logos experience through the Mac. Logos 4 is fairly sluggish for me and others have reported the same but it is quite usable and I *hope* to see improvement as the Logos folks continue to optimize things.
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Bob has stated that the new Mac version is now in beta development alongside the windows version. Logos has simply not decided to release it for beta testing YET. The good news is, it is currently being designed I IMHO, I think it will be release at the same time as the Windows version. At least that is my hope.
So the good news is, buy a Mac and you wont have to wait long for the fully functioning Mac version.
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Thanks everyone for your responses! I think I might go ahead and stick with getting a Mac. I found the screenshots for L4 for Mac and they look promising!