Windows 7 Jump List

I just got Windows 7 installed and I've started to play a bit. I have no idea what it would take, but it sure would be nice to have a L4 Jump List containing our named layouts.
Philip Spitzer said:
I just got Windows 7 installed and I've started to play a bit. I have no idea what it would take, but it sure would be nice to have a L4 Jump List containing our named layouts.
We will be fixing incompatibilities with Windows 7 (e.g., pinned icon) in 4.0, but Windows 7 specific features (jump lists, tabbed thumbnails, overlay icons/progress bar, etc.) will wait till a later release.
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Bradley Grainger said:
We will be fixing incompatibilities with Windows 7 (e.g., pinned icon) in 4.0, but Windows 7 specific features (jump lists, tabbed thumbnails, overlay icons/progress bar, etc.) will wait till a later release.
I would certainly prefer you keep your priorities elsewhere for now but I like to throw ideas out there to be put on the list for later :-) Like a "send selected as quote" or send "I am reading such and such from So and So in Logos" to twitter and Facebook under the copy Links format :-) Hey, It would be free advertising on facebook and twitter :-)