Syncing a New Resource Purchase - Not

While I was away from my desktop (for about a month) I purchased a new resource on the laptop.
On the Laptop I purchase the resource and updated LDLS3 on the laptop, L4 (on the laptop) was updated automatically.
After coming back home, I updated the desktop L4 straight from beta 3 to beta 8 and then kept it updated so that it is now at the Release Candidate. Everything syncs between the two machines except the addition of this new license/resource file.
I have not updated LDLS3 on the desktop with the new resource to see if the sync of L4 would automatically update the license and install the resource.
It is my understanding that syncing should add this resource to L4 automatically. Especially at this stage.
I understand that LDLS3 (on the desktop) would not be automatically updated and that I would need to do that manually. But what about L4 and syncing?
So I have some questions.
Should the L4 sync function update the license automatically update on
both machines (L4 only) and then download the new resource (and index)?
(Seems to me this is how L4 should work with what has been discussed
about syncing)
If LDLS3 and 4 exist on the same machine, will the license of that machine (L4 and LDLS3) be dictated by the LDLS3 license file?
Is this just a beta thing and this does not function yet? I have assumed this, but with the announcement of the near release I thought it would be good to ask.
If it is helpful, I will not update the license of LDLS3 on the desktop, to see if there is a way to check for syncing of updated license and new book download/index for L4.
Trey Selman said:
While I was away from my desktop (for about a month) I purchased a new resource on the laptop.
Which resource?
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There was second resource download after the initial RC download/install and sync for this is now working as expected.
I had been looking for it to work in the last few betas but when it didn't seem to work in the RC, I thought it would be good to ask. I should have waited just a little longer for the second round of updates.
L4 new license and new resource download has now been updated to the desktop.
This is the best part of the sync function. Thank you
It would still be preferred if there were some machine specific settings (like font settings e.g.font size/program scaling) that were not synced.
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Thanks Bradley for your quick response. It is now working with the secondary update.
I have observed multiple updates at times and I should have waited just a bit longer, especially with this RC update.
It was God's Plan for the Ages by Talbot
It did not update in betas 7-9 so after the initial RC download I tested and it still didn't work.
There was a second resource download that occurred later and it worked after that.
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Trey Selman said:
Should the L4 sync function update the license automatically update on
both machines (L4 only) and then download the new resource (and index)?
(Seems to me this is how L4 should work with what has been discussed
about syncing)If LDLS3 and 4 exist on the same machine, will the license of that machine (L4 and LDLS3) be dictated by the LDLS3 license file?
If you buy a downloadable L3 resource your L4 licence is updated when you perform the download. You have to register (serial number or whatever) CD resources on your machine before the L4 licence is updated. It doesn't matter if L3 and L4 are on different machines! And the L4 sync function plays no part in this, just the various Logos servers. From RC1 onward, L4 will automatically download and update your L3 resources in Logos4, including missing resources.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thanks for your help Dave but I was talking about a future potential issue of conflict with two machines which both have LDLS3 and L4 installed. Maybe I didn't explain the situation clearly.
On the first machine, after adding a new LDLS3 resource and license (update and download), L4 picked up the license and file and added it. That was expected and was around Beta 4. I intentionally did not install the new LDLS3 resource file and backed up license on the second machine to see if the syncing between L4 on both machines would do this automatic installation for L4. It did not for Beta 5-9. When I saw the announcement for the release and that the next installation looked like an RC candidate and it still did not work, I thought it would be important to report the issue. It really did work I just did not wait for that (secondary) resource download/installation (the one that comes after the system download and update) after the first RC update.
With the RC release, the automatic syncing of licenses and resource addition worked just like it should. On the second machine, L4 automatically updated the license and downloaded the new resource.
The issue or question was not between L3 and L4 on a machine, it was between L4 and L4 on two different machines.
All is good.
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===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave, I truly am grateful for your help and the assistance you have given to folks over the years.
It's not the first time my explanation has been muddy.