Logos crashes when using h: to search for certain words in Syntax Searches

davidphillips Member Posts: 640 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Since both Robert and Dave had two separate, but related posts, I decided to combine them here.

Typing h: followed by a vowel in the Lemma section of a segment node in a Syntax search causes the program to crash. The problem seems to be related to the fact that in Hebrew words don't start with vowels but consonants. So trying to start any search with a vowel (h:a, h:e, h:o, h:i, and h:u) causes the program to crash. However, trying to find words that start with א and ע is problematic. ' represents א, but typing h:'l doesn't find אל, or at least not "el". Using the keyboard selector to change to hebrew allows finding words like אל just fine.



  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Typing h: followed by a vowel in the Lemma section of a segment node in a Syntax search causes the program to crash.

    This should be fixed in RC3. (Thank you for the detailed—and correct—bug report.)

  • davidphillips
    davidphillips Member Posts: 640 ✭✭


    Thanks! That was a quick fix [:)]

    However, while the crash no longer occurs, the results are still not accurate. For example h:'l (apostrophe l) should return אל, but it does not; it actually returns nothing. Further, when starting with a consonant, the results are not predictable. h:el finds words starting with י (yod) and ל. h:ol, h:al, h:ul all find words starting with א, including אל (el) (and they all find the same words). h:il finds words starting with yod and aleph. Why the differences (not that they shouldn't be different, but why those differences?). My biggest concern is that using the apostrophe and quotation marks to represent aleph and ayin doesn't seem to be effective at the moment.

    This is also a problem when using lemma: in the morph search. Starting with ' or " gets a well populated list or words beginning with aleph and ayin, but it isn't possible to specify letters after the aleph or ayin.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,070

    This is also a problem when using lemma: in the morph search.


    One of the problem I have, not being familiar with Hebrew but knowing some common transliterations, is that Syntax Search and Morph search do it differently. Syntax suggestions come up quickly and have a gloss. Morph Search suggestions take longer and usually don't have a gloss. The results are certainly not accurate, never mind the "phonetic" approach that you would attempt! So I would appreciate a more accommodating, accurate and consistent approach to words being entered via h: into any dialog, particularly as (vowel) transliterations will be attempted.


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