Bug: word study guide run from exegetical guide doesn't pull up content

Craig Downey
Craig Downey Member Posts: 47 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I created a word study guide on the greek proexw from Romans 3.9 and typed in some notes. If I close that guide and want to recall those notes I can by opening up a new word study guide, entering in proexw and run the guide. But if I click on the lemma of proexw from the exegetical guide, it  doesn't bring up the content for that word.


  1. Run Word Study Guide for a word (i.e. gk: proexw)
  2. Type in notes
  3.  Close guide
  4. Run exegetical guide with word in it ( proexw)
  5. Click on lemma to run word study guide

Actual Result

Saved content is not brought up.

Expected Result

Saved content should be brought up.

System Specs (if using multiple computers or not in your signature)

  • Windows 7x64
  • Latest updates


Any additional comments regarding the problem or configuration/state of your system

