Bug: Passage Guide goes blank

When I use the passage guide, click a commentary, and try to go back by clicking the more link at the bottom, my passage guide is blank. I cannot get it to come up again.
Windows 7, Nexus 7
I'm running 1.7.1 and I don't have this issue.
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Hi Ebbe!
What are the steps of how you move from a passage to passage guide, view commentary, and return to passage guide?
I am in a passage, swipe down, tap on more, tap passage guide, tap on ivp background, swipe down, tap on more. And, I have a blank screen in the passage guide.
What are you doing that is working?
Windows 7, Nexus 7
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Mike Measley said:
Hi Ebbe!
What are the steps of how you move from a passage to passage guide, view commentary, and return to passage guide?
I am in a passage, swipe down, tap on more, tap passage guide, tap on ivp background, swipe down, tap on more. And, I have a blank screen in the passage guide.
What are you doing that is working?
I use to do it your way. Another way to do it is to swipe up when in a passage and tap passage guide.
After your question I have done a lot of tries and some (two) of them has resulting in white a screen. When running passage guide from down swipe, tap on IVP Background Commentary and then tap on more returns to passage guide almost instantly. If I'm running passage guide from swipe up menu, tap IVP, and then tap on more then I got a spinning wheel for a while and after some seconds I get back to passage guide.
Could your problem relying on a slow internet connection?
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I am trying it both ways now, and it is working for me. I am also plugged into the usb so it is running on external power. Could it be a power issue? I will have to check into that further.
My internet connection is strong, so that should not be the issue.
I am now seeing the same behavior you do, that using the down swipe, more, passage guide returns; while the up swipe, passage guide re-performs the passage guide search.
Thank you for your feedback!
Windows 7, Nexus 7