Presentation Software for iPad

I'm trying to envision a presentation to a Bible class, sermon, etc. using an iPad. Since I don't have one or even a competitor yet (however a purchase decision is very near) I thought I'd ask those of you who do how you do it?
Is there an application which you use directly from your iPad to show and proceed through your presentation? In other words do you go directly from the iPad to a monitor or projector, bypassing a laptop? How do you, if you do, incorporate your Logos slides, picture files, and other documents into the presentation? I saw a presentation from one of the forum posts where the presentation bounced back and forth from Logos to PowerPoint but I'm looking for something really seamless--one application where I put everything I need into one application on the iPad, plug it into the monitor and make my presentation.
Maybe I'm dreaming and we're not there yet technologywise... but in case there's a solution out there I'd like to hear about it. I'd appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance!
You can gets Docs-To-Go which supports PowerPoint so you can create content on your pc and put it on your iPad. Then get an iPad av cable (apple has them and you can get them for less on ebay) that can connect to a projector.
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One new iPad 2 feature is Video Mirroring => so any iPad 2 app can be projected.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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With the iPad 2 you can display anything on you screen to a monitor via the hdmi add on adaptor. However, for presentations I prefer to use Keynote and forego the mirroring option in favor of the component output cable that was previously available. Keynote allows you to display your slides to external monitor while viewing your speaker notes on the iPad screen. I think this is significantly better than the mirrored output option. Mirroring is great for displaying other apps, like Logos, but for presentations, Keynote and the component cable works better for me.
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Keynote is a great app to use for presentations.
Also you might want to take a look at 2Screens. What I like about this is the ability to draw lines on the presentation to show connections. What I don't like about it, is that it converts slides to jpegs every time you use it- depending on the number of slides it can take a while to load.0 -
My iPad2 is less than one week old. In many of my questions I do not even know enough to be able to state them adequately. However, in your answer you mentioned being able to use Keynote with speaker notes displayed while projecting a slide image on a screen. This is one of the purposes for which I have purchased my iPad.
Where can I obtain information and instructions to accomplish this for myself. One question I have is should the presentation be built on my iMac and transferred to my iPad for use or can the presentation be built in the iPad version of Keynote.
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Peter, you can get Keynote from the app store. Yes you can build keynote on you iMac and transfer to the iPad, however there are some limitations in the fonts and formatting used in keynote for iPad. Keynote presentation built on a Mac don not always transfer 100% the same. One way you can do this is to build your initial Bible Study (or a template of what you want it to look like) on you iPad, then transfer it to your Mac and as long as you don't change the fonts you should be good. I believe that there are some of the transitions and effects that don't transfer from the Mac to the iPad version. That's why I suggest building you initial presentation on the ipad and transferring it to your Mac. That way you have a template to go off of and don't always have to fix formatting etc. on the iPad.
I'm new to the iPad myself and will be getting keynote later this week.[;)]
Apple has an article on their support forum about these issues.
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A further question, if I may... Is it possible to project selected verses directly from Logos on the iPad to a projector, and if so, can you set up playlists of verses in advance.
Just to be clear - I know that you can mirror the display and show the whole Logos screen, but if we're just reading John 3:16-17, I don't want people getting distracted and continuing with 19, 20, etc.
I also know that this can be done via Keynote. That's what we're doing now, but since often the only things that we put in Keynote are the verses, I'd like to skip the whole copy-paste palava and just project direct.
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Martin said:
Is it possible to project selected verses directly from Logos on the iPad to a projector, and if so, can you set up playlists of verses in advance.
Martin - First, welcome to the forums!
If I understand your question, you are wanting to know if the mobile app has a presentation mode… unfortunately the answer is no. The iPad can be mirrored, but the Logos app is not designed to be displayed on screen.
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Thanks Alabama
I haven't found any iPad apps that will do this, which is strange since I have an app that will play the music, allow on-the-fly arrangement AND display the words in perfect sync. I'd have thought that a presenter mode for all bible software would be a relatively easy addition and a great benefit to many people.
The search continues...
Kind regards
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Martin said:
I'd have thought that a presenter mode for all bible software would be a relatively easy addition
Martin said:I haven't found any iPad apps that will do this, which is strange
I don't know how "easy" it would be, but its a good idea. It isn't all that strange to me because I think the market of people wanting to do Bible presentations from their iPads would still be fairly niche. A ray of hope: Logos does, in fact, have presentation software (called proclaim), so it is possible that this would be on their radar. You should make a suggestion in the suggestions forum.
In the meantime… Might I suggest Keynote?
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alabama24 said:
You should make a suggestion in the suggestions forum.
Being picky (sorry Alabama [:)]) the Proclaim people request that feature requests are made on uservoice (see
You might find the thread at encouraging where someone is asking for the same capability (which is not currently available)
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Thanks for the heads up Graham… I don't have any knowledge or experience with Proclaim. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks all - it's good to know at least that it's definitely un-available. I emailed with this, so I won't bother the Proclaim people as well. To me proclaim seems to be more around cloud computing to synchronise multiple devices with the various elements of a service. What we need is at the opposite end of the scale, a stand-alone iPad app that can do what most song-words projection software can do.
Given that an iPad/android tablet is more affordable, user friendly and portable than a laptop, it seems to me that this is the best solution for many small / mobile churches.
And, yes, Keynote is what we are currently using - but it's a rather long winded approach.
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I have used theProclaim software for bible study. It's strengths are moving text from L4 to the presentation slides easily. Hook up an AppleTV and use AirPlay or mirroring. You can also put slides, videos from other sources.
Another presentation app to try is Pointer. It has some interesting features.
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I teach regularly at a university, church and training seminars. I have used 2Screens Presentation Expert. It has too many features to list here. I like the ability to use it as a whtieboard, make notations and marks on your presentation then erase them, import various file types and download from various places. It also lets you show websites.