Why aren't books I own showing up in the iPhone app?
I own John Owen's 7-volume commentary for Hebrews and read it every morning in Logos 3. When I click on the "Library" icon and then the "Library" tab above and search on the word "Hebrews", I got back a lot of resources but no listing for John Owen.
Why is that?
I've purchased Logos 4 but haven't installed it, will Owen also not be in there?
On further inspection, I also own Hendriksen's NT Commentary and that volume also doesn't display as a selection in the iPhone list.
We don't yet have permission to post books from every publisher for use with the iPhone. We're working on securing more rights daily.
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John Owen's books have a publisher restriction? No way! Really? The man has been dead for 400 years.
If that's an issue, his Works would also be restricted.
Where is a list of what you can and can't show on the iPhone?
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I've purchased Logos 4 but haven't installed it, will Owen also not be in there?
I think that might be the problem. If I am correct iPhone Logos Library feature works only with the Base packages of Logos 4.
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Where is a list of what you can and can't show on the iPhone?
this would be very helpful.
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