iOS 5 ?
Reading about iOS 5 => including => Inside Apple's iOS 5: Reminders app offers location-aware to-do lists (wonder about location aware prayer lists ?)
in OSX Lion 10.7 thread, question was asked:
Matthew Snyder said:As you have probably heard, IOS5 is also being released in the next few months. Will Logos also work on this platform (iPhone and iPad)? Have you all tested this and are there any problems noted?
Wondering what Logos can share about Logos and Vyrso apps for upcoming free iOS 5 upgrade ?
Keep Smiling
I didn't test it much, but Logos worked fine for me. Just downgraded my iPad from 5 to 4.3 so I can't dig into it more. I'll likely go up to iOS 5 again later and will check again.
In general, though, most of my usual apps were stableish in iOS 5, with some games being the primary exception.