Nook Touch???

Will this work on a Nook touch? I just got one, attempted to download the file and I could, but when I attempted to open the file it would not work.
No, I do not believe this app will work on a Nook Touch, at least not a "stock" Nook Touch. I don't think you are able to install any apps on a stock Nook Touch. You would have to root the Touch and be running an Android interface "outside of" the Nook Touch standard interface.
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Doug Banker said:
Will this work on a Nook touch? I just got one, attempted to download the file and I could, but when I attempted to open the file it would not work.
I have a Nook color, rooted on CM7 and works perfectly.!
"Viva Cristo Rey!!"
Deacon Harbey Santiago
Archdiocese of Baltimore
0 - could I do that? I would love to! It sure is a pain to convert all my books individually to my Nook touch:) Thanks a lot for your response...
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It is possible to root the new B&W B&N Nook so that you can download apps (I saw a video of one trying to run Angry Birds), but the e-Ink refresh rate will make using apps very difficult.
If you have the Color Nook, as mentioned before, it is possible to either root it or to dual-boot it into an open version of Android.
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I can just be patient with the refreshing:) I will be just opening books and flipping pages after all. Or am I missing something here?
Also, I am a bit concerned about seems like it may not be a wise thing to do.
Am I missing something here? Should I wait until the beta becomes a finalized app to minimize any chance of messing this up?Thanks a lot for the info on how to do this...I appreciate it Ward.
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I haven't studied the Nook Touch in detail. The Color Nook seems to have been designed to be rooted, and I hear that it is "easy" to put it back in factory specs. That said, the software I use warns just before rooting the Nook itself that this will void the warranty. I suppose if $135 is expendable to you, root away--in the event of bad things & you can't put humpty dumpty back together again, it isn't financially catastrophic.
My feeling is that the risk is less Logos' Beta app and much more potential instability of the OS on your device--or difficult usability. For example, if you root the Nook Touch you will need to be able to install Google apps so you can get to the marketplace so you can install the Android B&N software. If all that works (and is usable on the e-ink screen) then you'll have gained great capability & only sacrificed the ability to read for free when in a B&N store. You would even be able to install the Kindle software for Android...something B&N doesn't seem to allow via their marketplace ;-)
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Thanks for the information, Ward. After hearing this I'm hesitant to root an entire new operating system and all the negatives that go along with it. Hopefully B&N will come up with a nook aps that will support Logos. Thanks again for your time explaining everything!
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I have been running the Logos app on my rooted nook touch ever since the beta came out and I absolutely love it. In fact, this is one of the main reasons I bought one. It is fairly easy to root and get access to the app store. There are directions on the internet, if you follow them and have a decent amount of computer knowledge, you can do it. If you are not scared to try it, I would highly recommend it. This is the perfect solution for me.
Logos + e-ink = happiness!
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Here is a pretty rough video that someone in another post asked for. If you want to see the logos app running on a nook touch, here ya go!
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Thank you for the video; that is really helpful to understand what to expect.
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I was using Logos on my rooted Nook touch and then I needed to reset it and now I cannot get the older version of logos for andriod that runs on the nook. Any suggestions?
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Daniel Castiglione said:
I was using Logos on my rooted Nook touch and then I needed to reset it and now I cannot get the older version of logos for andriod that runs on the nook. Any suggestions?
We will be providing a link to manually download the Android 2.1 compatible version (1.1.x) next week sometime. We will be doing this in conjunction with fixing the issue where users who manually install it (such as yourself) are receiving update notifications to install the 2.2+ only version
Thanks for your patience!
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Thanks so much. I really like reading the books I have for logos on my nook. I don't use it for the interactive stuff, more for straight reading.
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I got Nook it is rooted, but I was not able to install Logos on it. I would be appreciate if someone would be able to send me an old logos.apk Thanks