Offline Search Syntax for iPad?

I know in the desktop version of Logos4 (Windows, for example), you can search using various terms like AND/OR/NOT/NEAR. Is this functionality available in the iOS app at all?
Specifically, if I wanted to do a search for, say, "pastor OR elder OR deacon," what is the syntax? I tried, for example, "deacon OR elder", doing a Bible search of NAS. It seems to work fine when I'm online in the Logos app, but when I'm offline, I get "no results matched your search."
On a related note, offline search appears to be strict, e.g. searching for "elder" only returns "elder", rather than also including passages with variations like "elders".
Any suggestions? Is this a current limitation of the offline search mode of the app?
Hi Daniel
Daniel Lee said:Specifically, if I wanted to do a search for, say, "pastor OR elder OR deacon," what is the syntax? I tried, for example, "deacon OR elder", doing a Bible search of NAS. It seems to work fine when I'm online in the Logos app, but when I'm offline, I get "no results matched your search."
I get the same thing - I assume this is a limitation of offline search as you suggest. I think it is a fairly basic search capability without the enhanced capability such as use of Boolean operators we get with access to the Logos backend servers
Daniel Lee said:On a related note, offline search appears to be strict, e.g. searching for "elder" only returns "elder", rather than also including passages with variations like "elders".
I would think that the same factors explain what you are seeing here
So I do think this is a current limitation - whether or not it will change is something we would need the developers to comment on but I expect they would be reluctant to add too much complexity (and hence processing power requirements) to the offline search. But that is just me speculating!
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It appears to do one word searches fine offline. Multiple word searches are effectively phrase searches.
But it would be nice if you could do basic boolean searches offline.
I would also be interested in knowing whether this is coming in the future.