Settings & Customisation!

I'm sure it's been pointed out before, but I would like to say that we need settings when you bring out the proper version. Also I think we should be able to choose if we want the basic scroll function (which is more practical) versus the flippy pagey thingy which is... annoying for OCD...
Also could there be a "night" version with a black background and lit up text? It's easier on the battery and the eyes.
I'd also like to stress the need for a settings option again.
Oh, and I don't know if people would agree, but having a home screen when you first open it, or the option to open the application back to where you were last reading would be great. Every time I go back to it, I have to look up my passage again, and I tend to mutlitask while I read my Logos... which can be a big nusance when I'm typing my notes as well as reading (notes being a separate application).
Oh, and to sync a reading plan would be great.
Sorry for the nagging, but you said you wanted feedback... I appreciate your hard work guys, thanks a lot for bringing us the Logos for Android, and I look forward to the full version.
Sean, Sony Ericsson X10 Android 2.1 (soon to be 2.3)