Text to Speech

I am familiar with the Read Aloud option but would like a speed option. I have worked around this by copy/paste into a word processor and reading from there via system - speech. Then I found a great option - within the system - speech: configure a shortcut button. I was able to highlight text in Logos and have it read at the speed I chose with this shortcut. Now, however, it will only read the title (e.g. Ps 2) of what I have highlighted and no text below it.
Any ideas on how to get speed change within Logos or get back to the shortcut option I was using before?
I have used the Windows control in Speech Recognition from the Control Panel. It will set the speed for everything read. However, I don't think it will change the reading speed while the reading window is open. You need to disengage the reader completely, change the speed, and then re-engage. At least this is what I have found.
PS: you may have to exit Logos entirely. I too would like to see an link to the Windows function inside Logos.
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Bob Fuller said:
You need to disengage the reader completely, change the speed, and then re-engage.
Wiki http://wiki.logos.com/Read_Aloud#Changing_the_Voice_or_Speed includes: "System Preferences has Speech that has Text to Speech settings that are copied by Logos 4 Mac when program launched." Logos 4 Mac needs restart to re-read system preferences.
Noted OS X Lion forum thread => Some Higher Quality Voices with OS X Lion (Free - just need to download)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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No go on that. I have quit L4, changed speed in preferences, and rebooted program. The voice is still very slow. Am I missing something? Before the last couple of L4 updates (don't remember which one) I could simply use shortcut keys (i.e. Cmd & 0) for any program to use text to speech based on my system preferences. It worked on L4 and no longer does - just reads title (e.g. "Mark chapter 7").
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Jackie Watts said:
The voice is still very slow. Am I missing something?
What are the specs on your computer? Did you do anything recently to your computer, non Logos related (say, upgrade to Lion)?
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cpu is almost 3 years old (MacBook Pro) - upgraded HD and RAM (to 8 GB). Upgraded to Lion as well.
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If you computer is that new, and you have upgraded it, I don't think that is an issue... what about hard drive space? How much do you have available? What is the percentage?
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I have about 300 GB left (on 400 GB HD)
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Jackie Watts said:
No go on that. I have quit L4, changed speed in preferences, and rebooted program. The voice is still very slow. Am I missing something?
Using Logos 4.3 SR-2 on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 noticed can change voice and speed in system preferences (need to restart Logos 4 Mac to change voices), but Logos 4.3 SR-2 always uses same Read Aloud (cmd+r) speed. For example, reading 1 John 1:1 in ESV aloud takes 11 seconds, regardless of speech speed preferences.
Apologies: looking at Apple's Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts => http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1343 unable to find cmd + 0 for text to speech (did notice cmd + F5 for VoiceOver utility).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I can confirm. Just bought a brand new 21.5 iMac (i7) with 4 GB RAM. Logos does not respond to the speed change no matter what.
Maybe we should all submit this as a trouble ticket? Where can we submit this to?
It would be really nice to have fully functional, and the speed option is very important to me.
Brandon0 -
I agree there should be "bug" report generated!
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MJD said:
I agree there should be "bug" report generated!
Bug thread posted => Bug: Logos 4.3 SR-2 Read Aloud Speed
Added to wiki Feature Parity list (with reference to this thread); planning to track Read Aloud improvements, hoping for Logos 4.5 Read Aloud improvements.
Logos User Voice suggestion => Improve Logos 4 Mac Feature Parity with PC
Logos User Voice has Read Aloud and Improve reading aloud with status planned that includes Logos response: "We plan to fix this (and other defects) in Read Aloud in a future version."
Keep Smiling [:)]0 -
Was this ever fixed? I am having the same problem... Macbook will not play adjusted speed in logos. Any thoughts?
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Kyle Lewis said:
Was this ever fixed? I am having the same problem... Macbook will not play adjusted speed in logos. Any thoughts?
Welcome [:D]
Curious about Logos and OS X versions ?
Noticed Logos 4.5 release notes => http://wiki.logos.com/Logos_4.5 included Bug fix for Mac:
- Read Aloud
- Fixed bug that did not respect System Preferences for voice speed.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I am having the same problem with OS X 10.13 and Logos 7.12.
The speed in System Preferences Accessibility Speech is adjusted to "Fast," Logos is restarted, but the voice is still very slow.
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Vadim said:
I am having the same problem with OS X 10.13 and Logos 7.12.
The speed in System Preferences Accessibility Speech is adjusted to "Fast," Logos is restarted, but the voice is still very slow.
This thread started in Aug 2011 and was subsequently moved to the Logos 4 forum. Logos 4 is now unsupported.
Replicated Read Aloud speed being 1.0 (ignoring System Preferences Accessibility Speech settings) using macOS 10.12.6 so created follow-up thread for Faithlife developers => Bug: 7.13 Beta 1 Read Aloud speed ignores macOS Accessibility Speech preferred speed
Keep Smiling [:)]