No download Button?
I have installed this on my phone (Samsung captivate-Foyo2.2) and my Vizio tablet (Gingerbread 2.3) and on both devices there is no download button to download any additional books (from the resource screen). I have tried to uninstall and re-install a few times on each device.
I would also love a download all button, but realise most people likely don't
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Rick Savage said:
I have installed this on my phone (Samsung captivate-Foyo2.2) and my Vizio tablet (Gingerbread 2.3) and on both devices there is no download button to download any additional books (from the resource screen). I have tried to uninstall and re-install a few times on each device.
You should definitely have the ability to download your books.
Pressing on one of the "Arrows" on a resource will take you to that resources' information panel:
Clicking on the Download link should download your resource.